Gen. 2 6 8 . h y d r o p h o r a , Tode.
Threads erect, tubular, sparingly articulate,
equal above, terminated by a vesicle
■which is at first watery and crystalline,
then turbid, and at length indurated, and
persistent from the conglomeration of the
spores.— Berk. Outl.p. 407. Eng. Fl. v. p.
631- {Fig. 302.)
1 8 9 6 . Hydrophora ste rco re a . Tode.
“ Dung Hydrophora.”
WI , Fleecy ; flocci simple, very long, fuga-
* cions, white, sporangia spherical yellow, at
Kg. 802. length black.—BV. S.M. iii. p. 314. Fng.
Fl. V. p. 331. Mucor stercoreus, Grev. Fl.
Fd. p. 448. Corda. Icon. vi./. 31 ? Fckl. exs. no. 51.
On dung.
Distinguished by the crystalline, watery, not membranous, and dehiscent
sporangium, and the indurated mass of sporidia not falling away in water.
Gen. 2 6 9 . ENDODROmiA, Berk.
Vesicle very delicate, perforated by
the stem, filled with delicate, branched,
radiating threads and globose spores,
with a nucleus endowed with active
motion.—Ber/;. Outl.p. 408.Hook. Journ.
“ i-B-79. {Fig. 303.)
1 8 9 7 . E n d o d r om ia T it r e a . Berh. “ Glassy Endodromia.”
Stem straight, slightly attenuated upwards, penetrating the
sporangium ; sporangium delicate, soon breaking np, filled with
globose, colourless sporidia, and radiating, branched threads ■
sporidia with a globose nucleus.—Berk. Hook. Journ. 1841, iii. I.
1, / . G. ’
On fallen branches, especially ash.
Very minute, ^arcely to be distinguished without the aid of a high mag-
nitying power. Within each sporidium is a single globose nucleus, which
moves about with great activity.—AT.J.B. 303 )
Gen. 2 7 0 .
Stem dichotomously branched;
vesicles solitary, terminal, at
length splitting horizontally;
columella large ; spores simple,
growing on the columella.—
Berk. Outl.p. 408.
(Fig. 304.;
1 8 9 8 . Spozodinia dichotoma.
Corda. “ Dichotomous Sporodinia.”
Tufts ochraceous ; stem simple
below, brown above, four times
dichotomous; branches and
ramuli spreading; sporangia
terminal, obovate, diaphanous, circumscissile; columella hemispherical
;’ sporidia large, globose, colourless, hyaline.—Gorafa. i.
/ 284. (Lig- 304.)
On decaying fungi.
Gen. 271. A C RO STA LA GM V S , Corda.
Flocci branched; branches
verticillate; vesicles terminal,
pierced by the threads, from
the tips of which the spores are
produced within the cells.—
Berk. Outl.p. 408.
{Fig. 305.)
Corda. “ Vermillion
Kg. 305.
1 8 9 9 . A c io s ta la gm u s cin n ab a z in u s.
C o n i d i a . Verticillium lateritium.— Botrytis lateritia, Berk,
exs. no. 98.
S p o r a n g i a . Tufts effused, vermillion, then pulverulent, mycelium
branched, septate ; stem straight, rigid, septate, pellucid ;
branches 4-5 ternate, ramuli verticillate, quaternate, subulate,
spreading, capitate ; sporangia globose ; sporidia oval. Corda.
ii./. 66. W illk .p .9 2 ,f.a -e . Kl.exs. no. 1216. Fckl. exs. no. 155.