f i
l i i;
brown.—Mont. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1855, iii.y». 104. Berk. Outl.p. 384.
Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 4b, f . 20, 21.
On fallen branches. Lancashire. [Low. & Mid. Carolina.]
Sporidia ('0004 in.) ‘01 m.m.
2 3 7 4 . X y la r ia hy p o xy lon . Grer. “ Candle-snuff X ylaria.”
Corky, simple or branched, compressed, at first pulverulent
with white meal conidia, then naked, black ; stem villous;
conidia small, narrowly lanceolate ; sporidia uniseriate, dark
brown, elliptic-acuminate, often cymbiform, with one or two
nuclei.—G?-ev. FL Ed.p. 355. Berlc. Outl.p. 384. t. 24,f . 1. Tul.
Carp. ii. p. 11,1.1 ,/. 1-14. Sph. hypoxylon, Fr. S.M. ii. p. 327.
Blackst. t . l . Pet. Gaz.t. 62, f .2 . M ic h .t.b b ,f.l. H o lm s .p .ll,
withfig. B u ll.t.180. Batsch.f. 160. Hoffm. V.C. i. 3 ,/. 1. Sow.
t. 55. Fr. exs. no. 181. Fng. FL Y . p . 235. Bolt. 1.129. Moug. exs.
no.212. Baxt. exs. no.14. D i c k s . t . l 2 , f . l . Gurr. Linn. Trans.
xxii. t. 4b, f 17. Fchl. exs. no. 1065. Sci. Goss. 1871, p. 17,j
On stumps, &c. Common.
[United States.]
Sporidia {-0004 in.) '01 m.m.
2 3 7 5 . X y la r ia cazpophila. I r . “ Beeoh-mast Xylaria."
Corky, slender, simple; head subulate, whitish pulverulent,
then blackish ; stem very long, root-like ; conidia very minute
and ovate ; sporidia uniseriate, clear light brown, elliptical, or
slightly reniform, with one or two nuclei.—Fr. S .V .S .p . 382.
Berk. Outl. p. 384. Tul. Carp, ii.yi. 14, i. l , f 15-20. Sph. car-
pophila, Fr. N .li. ii. 328. Pers. Obs.t. 1 ,/. 5. Fries, exs.no.
802. Schm. exs. no.17 6. E n g .F I.y .p.23b. F l.D a n .t.1858, f
1. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 45, f . 23. Fchl. exs. no. 1066. Coohe
exs. no. 364.
On beech mast. Common.
[Low. & Mid. Carolina.]
Sporidia ('0004 in.) 'Ol m.m.
2 3 7 6 . X y la r ia p e d u n cu la ta . Fr. “ Stalked Xylaria.”
Corky, slender, simple, springing from a sclerotioid base ;
head ovate, or subglobose ; sporidia clear brown, eventually
black, almond-shaped, or elliptical.—Fr. S. V.S. p. 382. Berh.
Outl.p. 385. Tul. Carp. ii. p. 17, t. 2 ,f. 29, 30. Sph. pedunculata,
Hicks, t.8. Sow.t. 437. Berh. exs.no.168. Mag. Zool. & Bot.no.
23,vol.H.p.223. Curr. Linn. Trans.-KXY.t. 45, f .5 . Gard. Chron.
April 15, 1871. fig.
On soil mostly attached to dung.
Sporidia (-OOlS-'OOiein.) '03 m.m. Before maturity snrronnded by a gelatinous
2 3 7 7 . X y la r ia b u lb o sa . B . 4 B r. “ Bulbous Xylaria.”
Corky, simple or forked, brown, then black; stem cylindrical,
bulbous at the base and spongy; sporidia narrow, ovate.—Tul.
Carp. ii.p. 20. B. & Br.Berk. Outl.p. 385, t. 24, / . 2. Sphæria
bulbosa, Pers. Obs. ii. t. i . f i.
Amongst fir leaves. Bath.
2 3 7 8 . X y la r ia v ap o ra ria . Berk. “ Currey’s Xylaria. ’
Stroma sclerotioid, corky, rugose, irregular, terminating at
the apex in short prominences (possibly abortive receptacles) ;
receptacles conical, stipitate, bearing perithecia only on the lower
half ; the upper half attenuated, subpulverulent, of a light reddish
brown colour, the lower half darker; perithecia rather
scattered, slightly prominent ; nucleus black, glutinous ; sporidia
(8) almond-shaped, biseriate,black.— Curr. Linn. Trans, xxiv.
t. 25, f . 17, 26. B .& B r. Ann. N.H. no. 1095.
Cn Sclerotium found in a mushroom bed. Cornwall.
“ Tbis plant was sent in a sclerotioid condition. In Dec., 1862, I planted
it in damp sand, covered it witb a b/l-;fiass, and kept it moist in a warm
room, in a window facing the south. The fertile branches or receptacles
soon made their appearance above the surface of tbe sand, and by the end
of March ripe fruit was produced.” Sporidia (•0018-‘0022 in.), •04-'-•0i
055 m.m.
Gen. 3 4 0 . FOR.ONIA, Fr.
Stipitate ; stroma between fleshy and corky ;
fructifying surface discoid ; perithecia immersed
; sporidia ovate, simple, coloured.—
Fr. Nov. Sum. Myc.p. 113.
{Fig. 376.)
Fig. 376.
2 3 7 9 . Po ron ia p u n c ta ta . Fr. “ Punctate Poronia.”
Stipitate, turbinate, externally blackish ; disc truncate, whitish,
dotted with the black ostiola; conidia minute, spherical; sporidia
at first brown, then black and opaque, elliptical — Fr. b.M.
ii p 330. Berk. Outl.p. 385. Grev. t. 327. Tul. Carp.ii. p.27,
t. ni. f. 17-18. Sow. t. 54. Nees. f. 315. Fries, exs.no. 182. Eng.
F I . y . p 235. Sph. truncata. Bolt. t. 127, f . 2. Bull. t. 252. FL
Ban. Í. 288. Moug. exs. no. 958. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 45,