Receptacle consisting
of thick
branched threads;
conidia concatenate,
at length separating,
deeply seated on
the mycelium.—
Fig. 214.
1563. Cystopus cu b icu s. S tr . “ Goat’s-beard White Eust.”
Conidia unequal; terminal cell sterile, larger than the rest,
membrane thickened, ochraceous, rarely yellowish ; fertile cells
shortly cylindrical ; membrane hyaline ; oospores globose ; epispore,
brown, verrucose ; warts hollow, round or irregular.—
Coohe M.F.pl.x.figs. 201, 202, 210. Coohe exs. no. 86.
On Goafs-ieard, Salsify, Scorzonera, &o. Summer and
autumn. Common. {Fig. 215.)
1 5 6 4 . Cystopus can d idu s. Ler. “ Crucifer VTiite Eust.”
Conidia equal, globose ; membrane equal, ochraceous;
oospores subglobose; epispore yellowish-brown, with irregular
obtuse warts ; warts solid.— Ann. Sc. Nat. Berh. Outl. p.
334,partly. Fng. FI. v. p. 384. Grev. t. 251. Mmg. exs. no. 290.
Coolce exs. no.86. Coohe L.F . no. 46. Coolce M .F . p i.x , figs.198-
200, and 205-207.
On shepherd’s purse, cabbages, horseradish, and other Cruci-
ferw. Summer. Common. {Fig. 214, conidia ^ oospore.)
1565. Cystopus lep ig on i. Be B y . “ Sandwort White Eust.”
Conidia unequal; terminal cell sterile, globose; membrane
thickened; fertile cells subglobose or cylindrical; membrane
hyaline ; oospores globose, epispore brown, tubercles minute,
irregular, very convex, often resembling spines.—Goo/t«I f . F. p.
214. Coolce exs. no. 88.
On Spergularia rubra. June.—Sept.
1566. Cystopus sp in u lo su s. Be Bary. “ Thistle White Eust.”
Conidia in time much elongated ; sori erumpent, on both surfaces
of the leaves, white ; oospores globose ; epispore brown,
tubercles minute, solid, very prominent, often acute and spinu-
lose.—D« Bary, Ann. des Sc. Nat. 1864, xx. p . 133. Cooke exs.
no. 89.
On Cirsium arvense. Sept.
Gen. 179.
Fig. 216.
Stroma composed of little irregular
cells, forming a lentiform disk,
whose surface is covered with many
layers of cells, each of which encloses
a spore; spores simple,
always without any appendage.—
Berk. Outl. p. 331. {Fig. 216.)
* Spores more or less yellow.
Vredo p otenUlla rum. B. C. “ Potentilla Uredo.”
Spots yellowish; sori suhrotund and oval, búllate, aggregate,
<^en, confluent; spores subglobose, suhooherent, orange.—Z) G
FI. Fr. Yi. p. 81. F n g .F I .y .p .382, partly. Coohe M.F. p. 204.
Cookeexs. no. 120. Moug. exs.no. 91.
On various Bosaceoe. Common.
1568. Vredo sa x ifr a g a rum . B.C. “ Saxifrage Uredo.”
Spots pallid ; sori subrotund and oval, raised, scattered and
aggregate on the under surface ; epidermis ruptured, persistent ;
spores subglobose, yellow.—D. G. AZ. Ar. Yi .p . 81. Eng. F I.y. p.
o81. Cooke. M.F. p, 204:,
On various Saxifrages.