i i
2 5 4 1 , Lophiostoma iib rite c ta . Berh. “ Bleached Larch
Scattered, minnte, black, often slightly elongated, depressed ;
ostiolum sometimes quite obsolete, but frequently present, and
yarymg from punctiform to linear; asci clavate, varying greatly
m length, paraphyses slender; sporidia curved, subfusiform, yellow
brown, quinque-septate.—De Not. Schema, p. 46. Cooke
Trans. Bot. Ed. vol. ix. Sphmriafihritecta, Berk, in Hook. Journ.
1853,79. 43. B. & Br. Ann. Nat. Hist. no. 777, Berk. Outl.p. 897.
On bleached larch planks. Dec. King’s Cliffe.
Sporidia '04 m.m. long.
“ The perithecia are rather larger than those of the other fungi commonly
present m similar situations. The contents are white. Nothing can be more
variable than the ostiola of this species. Even in extreme oases it is entitled
^ n ^ eh a ? iT e rsT -T i^ I^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ affinity rather than from wellde-
2 5 4 2 . Lophiostoma an g u s tila b z a .
B . & B r. “ Gorse
_ Perithecia half-immersed, rugulose, somewhat elongated ; ostiolum
compressed, narrow ; asci clavate ; sporidia biseriate, fusiform,
curved, uniseptate, constricted at the septum, each articulation
containing from two to three nuclei, and terminating in a
hyaline p om t— Cooke Trans. Bot. Ed. t. 6, /. 3. Sphæria angus-
tilabra, B. &. Br. A n n .N .H . no. 881, t. x i./. 27.
On gorse. Leicestershire—Shere, Surrey.
Sporidia (-OOlS-'OOie in.) •04--043 m.m. long.
„AA.wî in the struotnre of tbe spores, wbiob are
possibly at length multiseptate ; but if so, they are at first composed of two
veiy elongated cones opposed to each other a t their bases, and strongly con-
stncted at the commissure. —B. & Br.
2 5 4 3 . Lophiostoma se x - im c le a ta .
Coohe. “ Six-nuoleate
Scattered; perithecia elongated, black, slightly rugose; at
first immersed, then emergent ; ostiolum compressed ; sporidia
biseriate, fusiform, hyaline, slightly curved, five-septate, constricted
at the centre, and but little at the other septa, each
articulation containing a single nucleus.—DooAe Trans Bot E d
vol. ix. t. 6 ,/. 8.
On nettle stems. March. Shere, near Guildford.
Sporidia ('001410.) '035 m.m. long.
’This can hardly be considered as a form of S. angustilabra, since that
species even wben tbe septa can be discerned, still remains quadri-nuoleate.
The length is slightly less, and the hyaline membrane absent. I t appears
to succeed Sphæria coniformis on old nettle stems, and has been overlooked
f-om its casual resemblance to the remains of tbe dispersing perithecia ot
5. coniformis. (F ig .m .)
2 5 4 4 . L o p h io stom a e x c ip u lifo im e . Fr. “ Exoiple-mouthed
Scattered ; perithecia emergent, ovate, black, rugulose ; lips
of the ostiolum longer than the short neck ; sporidia uniseriate,
fusiform, curved, with about six septa ; commissures not constricted.—
De Not. Schema p. 45. Coohe Trans. Bot. Ed. vol. ix. t.
6,/. 10. Sphæria excipuliformis, Fr, Obs. t. 4 ,/. 5. F r . exs. no. 88.
Fr. Syst. Myc. vol. ii.79. 469. Berh. Eng. Fl. vol. Y .p . 266. B. &
Br. Ann. N.H. no. (880).
On bark, dead wood, and furze. King’s Cliffe, &c.
[Mid. Carolina.]
Sporidia ('0012 in .) '03 m.m. long. n ■ •
The Rev. M. J. Berkeley says th at the typical form published by fries m
Scleromvcetes Sueciæ has sporidia of precisely the same shape, but twice as
long and th at he finds them sometimes '0028 in. long. I t 13 distinguished
from tbe other wide-mouthed species by its short oylindno neok.
L o p h io stom a J e rd o n i. B .& B r . “ Jerdon’s Lophiostoma.”
Perithecia scattered or 'slightly crowded, sub-globose, with
narrow linear ostiola; asci clavate; sporidia biseriate ('0012-
-00125 in.) -03 to -033 m.m. long, strongly constricted in the
centre, as also each of the two bi-tri-nucleate joints.—DooZ:e
Trans. Bot. Ed. ix. t. 6, / . 5. Sphæria Jerdoni, Berh. & Br. Ann.
N.H.no. 915, ¿.xvii./. 28.
Cn Rubus idæus and on elm.
‘ Herbaceous
2 5 4 5 .
Sporidia ('001'2.'00125 in.) '03-'033 m.m. long.
2 5 4 6 . L o p h io stom a c a u lium . Be Not.
Perithecia immersed, globoso-elliptic, black; ostiolum naked,.-
elliptic or linear ; asci clavate ; sporidia crowded, or bisenate,
fusiform, attenuated, straight or curved, 7-septate, with agreemsh
tixW— Seriacei italici, no. 70. Micro. Ital. viii. cum icone. Coohe
Trans. Bot. Edin. t. 6 ,/. 6. Lophiostoma herbarurn, Fr. V.A.H.
1818, p. 114. Sphæria caulium, F r. Sys. Myc. vol. ii. p. 510. Fries
exs. no. 465. Desm. Ann. and Sc. Nat. xv. 1.14,/. 2, a. Berh. &
Br. Ann. N.H. no. 982. Fchl. exs. no. 927.
Cn dead stems of Epilobium hirsutum, &c.
‘ ii