; f
2 6 8 4 .
t t Herbicoloe.
Sphæ ria tom icum . Lev.
“ Brown-spored Grass
Penthecia scattered, innate, flattened at the base, black, seated
beneath the shining blackened cuticle ; ostiola erumpent, papillate
; asci cyhndrical ; sporidia uniseriate, oval, dark brown, with
a nucleus in the centre.—Z«y. Ann. Sc. Nat. (1848), ix. p. 144.
B, ^ Br. Ann. N ,H. no. 633. Curr. Linn, Trans, xxii. t, 5 8 ,/. 87.
Oa. Aira cæspitosa anà Juncus. Jan. Batheaston.
Sporidia (-0004--0006) -01--015 m.m. long.
2 6 8 5 . Sphæ ria lir e lla . Fr. “ Meadow-sweet Sphæria.”
Perithecia free, distinct, seriate, when collapsed umbilicate beneath,
nestling under a blackish, lanceolate, even, slightly swollen
spot of the epidermis.— «xs. no. 668. Nr E l ii p 105
Cookeexs. no. 273. Eng. Fl. Y.p. 273. Berk. exs. no. 37. Fckl. exs’.
no. 905. Diaporthe lirella, Fckl. Sym. Myc. p. 206.
On dry stems of Spiræa ulmaria.
Having scM-oely the appearance of a Sphæria when viewed externally, but
when the epidermis is removed the free distinct perithecia, hollowed out at
the base, immediately become visible.—M.J.B.
2 6 8 6 . Sphæ ria a c u s . Blox. “ Dock stem Sphæria.”
Perithecia small, subglobose, flattened, concealed by the epidermis,
piercing it with the sharp pointed ostiola ; sporidia biseriate,
or crowded, colourless, narrowly cylindrical, with rounded
ends or acuminate and almond-shaped.—Gwr. Z 7«n. Trans.xxH.
p. o25, t. 58,/. 93.
On dock.
. Sporidia C0003.-0004 iu.) -0075--01 m.m. long ; endochrome 2-4 partite.
2 6 8 7 . Sphæ ria m a c u lan s . &>m. “ Spot Sphæria.”
Spots orbicular, few, grey; perithecia scattered, subglobose-
ostiola punctiform ; sporidia- oblong, elongated, curved, 6-7 septate.—
Ann. N.H. no. 641*. Sow. t. 394, f . 9 (not Besm.
e x s ,n o .ll3 i).
On Scirpus lacustris.
Considered in Eng. El. as a variety of. At edrpicola, but separated on account
of Its external appearance, and by the spondia being very much longer
and with more than twice the number of septa. « « J longer
2 6 8 8 . Sphæ ria hyphenis. Cooke. “ Hyphen Fern Sphæria.”
Forming short parallel lines ; perithecia minute, subglobose,
raising and at length cracking the cuticle, black, in short lines ;
ostiola acute, sometimes piercing the cuticle ; sporidia biseriate,
or clustered, elliptic, uniseptate, slightly constricted, the upper
cell somewhat swollen, hyaline.
On stems of Pteris aquilina. May. Shere. (Dr. C.)
Easily confounded with small forms of Dothidea filicina, but the lines are
less distinct, and, on remo-ving the cuticle the perithecia are decided. Quite
distinct from S.pantherina, to which it is allied.
2 6 8 9 . S p hæ ria p a n th e r in a . Berk. “ Panther-spot Sphæria.”
Spot-like, bounded by a flexuous, subelliptic line ; perithecia
immersed, furnished with a long neck and slightly prominent ostiolum
; asci lanceolate ; sporidia oblong, subfusiform, with two
or more obscure septa.—Berk. exs. no.'34. Mag. Zool. & Bot.no.
On Pteris aquilina.
At first sight resembling S. pardalota. I t differs, however, in the immersed
perithecia and the elongated neck. The line is not always visible externally,
but it may always be found on making a transverse section, being in fact the
edge of a true conceptaculum. When the line is visible externally the cuticle
is nearly unaltered, when, on the contrary, it is obscure the cuticle has a
brown burnt appearauce.—ilf.
The stylospores of this species are fusiform and extremely narrow, ÜUU8-
'001 in. long (see C^lrr. Linn. Tran$. xxii.p. 285).
» 6 9 0 . Sphæ ria p a rd a lo ta . 3font. “ Leopard-spot Sphæria.”
Spot-like, limited hy a flexuous line, covered by the cinereous
cuticle ; perithecia scattered, hemisphærico-compressed, black ;
stroma cinereous, incumbent, soon rimosely erumpent ; asci clavate
; sporidia fusiform, biseptate.—Mont. Ann. So. Nat. i. p.
304, i. 1 2 ,/. 1. Berh. exs. no. 175. Fckl. exs. no. 1575. Mag.
Zool. &. Bot. no. 99. Diaporthe pardalota, Fckl. Sym. Myc. p. 206.’
On dead stems of Convallaria multiflora.
The stylospores of this species are colourless, rather narrowly elliptical
(-0002--0004 in.) -005--01 m.m. long (see Ourr. Linn. Tram. xxii. p. 285).
2 6 9 1 . S p hæ iia c e u th o sp o ro ld e s . Berk. “ Two-faced
Stroma formed of the parenchyma of the matrix, suborbicnlar,
reddish-brown, circumscribed by a narrow distinct black/ine
penetrating the leaf; perithecia 6-10 scattered, covered, projecting
on either surface, their apices seated on the upper surface of