1 7 6 4 . Berk.N em a to g o n um a u ie um . “ Golden Nematogonum.”
Fertile flocci erect, short, simple, clavate ; sporidia large,
thinly scattered, elliptic, golden yoWovf.—Aspergillus aureus.
Berh. Eng. F I.y . p. 340.
On bark.
“ Piocoi short, consisting of about four articulations, clavate above, and
covered thinly with large, subelliptic, yellow sporidia.”—A /./. B.
Gen. 2 2 8 . RH INO TR ICH UM, Corda.
Threads erect, articulate, clavate
above, and bearing spores attached
to spicules.—Berh. Outl. p. 348.
(Fig. 263.)
1765. Rhinotxichum B lo x am i.
B . & B r . “ Bloxam’s Ehinotriohum.”
Scattered, white ; fertile flocci
clavate above; spores white, subelliptic.—
Ann. N.H. no. 541, t. 7,
/ . 19.
On dead wood. Twycross. [S. Carolina.]
Patches irregularly effused, seldom continuous, white or cream-coloured ;
mycelium decumbent, white, septate ; fertile flocci erect, sometimes very
sparingly divided ; tips clavate, bearing scattered spicules, surmounted by
subelliptic or slightly obovate spores, which are sometimes obtuse, sometimes
apiculate ; sometimes the ultimate articulations are moniliiorm, very
rarely tbe penultimate joint has one or two spicules.—B. &Br.
1 7 6 6 . R h in o tr ic h um T h w a it e s ii. B .& B r . “ Thwaites’
Epigfeous, yellow, effused; hyphasma woven ; fertile flocci
aecendmg, dichotomous, apices slightly thickened.—®, ¿r Br.
Ann. N .H. no. 542, t. 6,/. 12.
On the bare soil. Aug. Bristol.
Patches suborbicnlar or confluent, thelephoroid, yellow, with a pale mar-
ein • hyphasma consisting of closely packed, decumbent, articulate threads,
the ends of which rise np and are branched dichotomously , their apices
swelling slightly, and clothed with globose, ecbinulate, shortly pedicellate
spores.—B. & Br.
1 7 6 7 . R h in o tr ic h um o p u n tia . B . ^ B r . “ Cactus
Flocci furcate, here and there swollen, ultimate ramuli clavate,
with transverse rows of spores.—Ann. N.H. no. 761, 1.16,/. 13.
Near Woolwich.
White; flocci rather thick, simple below, two or three times forked, slight,
swollen here and th e re ; ultimate divisions clavate, beset with transverse
rows of globose spores.—B. & Br.
1768. R h in otrich um repens. Preuss. “ Creeping
Mycelium effused, cinereous ; flocci branched, colourless, intricate,
septate, creeping, branches erect, verrucose above, bearing
ovate-acuminate, grey, smooth, nucleate spores.—Preuss. Sturm.
XXV. Z. 22. ®. ^ B r . Ann. N.H. (1866), «o. 1149.
On fallen trunks. Oct. May.
Looks like a mere bloom, so that it might easily escape notice. The spores
are borne on little wart-like projections on the upper portion of the branches.
1 7 6 9 . R h in otrich um lano sum . Cooke. “Woolly Ehinotrichum.”
White, with a pale ochraceous tinge, forming dense woolly
tufts, barren flocci very delicate branched, ascending, fertile
flocci decumbent, long, delicate, septate, with short patent
branches, tips with 2-4 spicules, each with a single, obovate,
hyaline spore.— Clinotrichum lanosum. Coohe exs. no. 356. Pop.
Sci. Rev. Jan. 1871, Z. 68,/. 1-3.
On damp wall paper. April.
There are sometimes three or four, but more commonly one or two spores
at the tips of the branches, each attached to a short spicule. We were at
hrst disposed to regard this as the type of a new genus under the name of
tlinotrwhum, but, on more mature consideration, prefer including it here.
(Fig. 263.)
Gen. 2 2 9 . BO T R Y T IS , Mich.
Threads septate, irregularly or dichotomously
branched, hyaline or coloured;
spores terminal.—Berh. Outl. p. 348.
(Fig. 264.)
1 7 7 0 . B o try tis T i lle t ii. Besm.
“ Tawny Botrytis.”
Fertile flocci branched, tawny, ramuli
very short and verticillate; spores subglobose.—
Desm. Ann. So. Nat. (1838), x.
p. 308. Desm. exs.no. 226. B r .^B r .A n n .
no. 529.
On moss and leaves, &c.
One of the most splendid species of the genus, remarkable for its highly
branched threads and verticillate ramuli, the colour of the whole plant is
pale tawny or fawn.—B. &Br.