A N T E N N A R IA , Link.
Threads felted, black, articulated,
often moniliform ; walls of sporangia
mostly cellular; spores chained together,
immersed in gelatinous pulp.
Berk. Outl.p. 406. {Fig. 297.)
1878 A n ten n a r ia sem io v a ta . B . & Br.
“ Semi-ovate
Fertile flocci erect, short, branched ; articulations torulose,
even ; pycnidia semi-ovate ; perithecia curved, acuminate.—B.
4- Br. Ann. N.H. no. 784,1.16,/. 18.
On fronds of Lastrea filix-mass. Sept. Bath.
Clothing the leaves with dense matted felt. Barren threads creeping,
often united into an irregular membrane, fertile, erect, generally slightly
branched, but sometimes sub-dichotomous. I t is diffloult to say what is a
species in this genus, which appears to present one form of fruit of Garmodium.
— B . 4 Br.
Gen. 2 6 4 . Z A Sm iD IV ia , Fr.
Sporangium thin, carbonaceous,
but brittle, growing on
a septate, byssoid, equal, mycelium.
Mouth sub-umbilicate,
spores simple.—Berk. Outl. p.
406. {Fig. 298.)
1879. Z a smid ium c e lla re .
Fr. “ Cellar Fungus.”
Mycelium very thick and abundant,
lax, composed of septate
flocoi, olive-black ; peridia globose,
seated upon the threads.—Berk. Outl. p. 461. Racodium
cellare, Bisch. f 3700. Fckl. exs. no. 641. Eng. Fl. v. p. 324.
Moug. exs. no. 196. Grev. t. 259. Antennaria cellaris, Fr. S.M.
iii.yj. 229. Fihrillaria vinaria. Sow. t. 432, 381, f . 3. Dill. t. l , f .
12. Nees.f. 70. {Fig. 298.)
On corks, bottles, walls, &c., in cellars. Common.
Threads free, bearing terminal or lateral sporangia.—Berk.
Outl. p. 407.
Sporangia collapsing and dependent
Sporangia bursting, not dependent
Sporangia at length indurated—
Ejected ....................................
Not e j e c t e d ......................................................
S p o ra n g ia delicate, perforated by the stem
Sporangia splitting horizontally—
Sporidia growing on the columella ^ .
Sporangia pierced by the threads ; branches verticillate—
Sporidia on the tips of the threads
Vesicles of separate branches conjugating—
Producing a sporangium • • • ■
Flocoi collected in a spongy globose mass. Hypogseons-
Vesicles g l o b o s e .............................................
Gen. 2 6 5 . ASCOPHORA, Tode.
Sporangia collapsing, and at
length hanging down over the
fructifying apices like a hood.
Fruit sometimes of two kinds.
Berk Outl.p. 461. {Fig. 299.)
Fig. 299.
1 8 8 0 . Ascophora mucedo. Tode. “ Common Ascophora.”
Flooci simple ; sporangia terminal, at first globose, then oval,
at length collapsed, sub-campanulate, whitish, then dark ashy-
g re y—F r.S .M . iii. p. 316. Tode.i.t.3,f.22. Corda. Anl. t. c,
f. 24, no. 1-4. Nees.f. 80. Grev. f. 269. Fng. Fl. y.p. 331 Pay.f.
370. Fckl. exs. no. 54. Ccem. Act. Belg. viii./. 17. Pringsh. Jahrb.
ii.t. 30,/. 29. Bisch.f. 3196.
On bread, &c. Common. [Mid. Carolina.] {Fig. 299.)
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