2 7 7 5 . S phæ re lla b u x i. D.C. “ Box-leaf Sphærella.”
Pycnidia.—Scattered in quincunxes, greyish-black ; perithecia
globose, slightly prominent ; disc covered, depressed, white, at
length erumpent, naked ; stylospores oblong, twice as long as
hroad.—Sphoeropsis Candollii, B . & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 423. Berh.
exs. no. 180.
A s o o p h o r e .— Perithecia light yellow, rather longer than
broad, with a small mammillate ostiolum ; sporidia uniseriate,
colourless,acuminate, elliptical.— Sphceria buxi, D.C. F l.F r . vi.
p . 146. Rabh. F.F. no. 940. Rabh. exs. no. 531. Curr. Linn. Trans.
xxii.p. 283,¿. 49,/. 186. S. atrovirens, var. Buxi, Fnq. Fl. v. ».
On dead box leaves. Milton.
Sporidia probably at length uniseptate ('0005 iu.) '025 m.m.
2 7 7 6 . S phæ re lla o strn th ii. Fr. “ Angelica Sphærella.”
Hypophyllous, aggregated ; perithecia globose, small, black,
emerging from a determinate grey crust.—Fr. Obs. i. p. 174.
Berh. Ann.N.H.no. 102. Berh. exs. 330. Schm. exs. wo. 205. As-
cospora ostruthii, Fr. S. F.N. 426.
On leaves of Angelica sylvestris. Sept.
2 7 7 7 . S phæ re lla hrunneola. Fr. “ Brown Sphærella.”
Gregarious ; perithecia globose, very minute, mouthless, black,
emerging from a determinate brown, oblong spot, which at length
becomes black; sporidia?—Fr. S.M. ii.p. 526. Fng. Fl. Y.p .
279. Fries, exs.no. 248. Berk. exs. no. 39. Ascospora brunneola
Fr. S .V .S .p . 425. Fckl. exs. no. 467.
On dead leaves of Convallaria majalis.
The fruit of this species seems to be unknown as well as th a t of the last-
Gen. 3 5 8 . V EN T U R IA , De Not.
Perithecia fragile, hispid or
setulose at the apex; ostiolum
large ; paraphyses none ; sporidia
one or two celled, colourless, or
slightly coloured.—He Not. in Att.
vi. riun. seienz. p. 485. Fr. S. V.S.
p. 405. Cooke B .F. 2nd ed.p. 159.
(Fig. 398.)
* Fpiphyllous.
2 7 7 8 . V en tu r ia D ic k ie i. De Not. “ Dickie’s Venturia.”
Perithecia aggregate, erumpent, subglobose ; ostiola obtuse,
papillæform, beset with rather long, rigid setæ, seated on an interwoven
filamentous stratum ; asci short, suhcylindrical ; spondia
uniseptate, quadñnudeate.— Sphceria Dickiei, B. & Br. Ann.
N.H. no. 617,pi. x ./. 8. Lasiobotrys Linnææ, Dickie, M S S . Berk.
Outl.p. 404.. Venturia Dickiei, De Not. Schema, p. 51. Cooke
Seem. Journ. 1866,t. 49, f . l .
On leaves of Linnoea borealis.
Forming orbicular sori beneath the true cuticle about a line hroad. Perithecia
at length exposed, subglobose, with an obtuse papillæform ostiolum,
beset with stiff dark bristles, as long or longer than themsffiyes, p rm ging
from a radiating, more or less interwoven stratum, of very obscurely septate
brownish threads, amongst which are a few darker and closely articulate.
Asoi short, suhcylindrical, obtuse. Spondia oblong, short, contaimng
about four nuclei or four regular endochromes, or more properly uniseptate,
with two endochromes in each division.
2 7 7 9 . V en tu r ia chætominm. De Not. “ Small Sedge
Hypophyllous, rarely epiphyllous ; perithecia very minute,
superficial, scattered or gregarious, subglobose, collapsed when
dry, black, covered with rigid divergent hairs ; ostiolum papillate
; asci nearly spindle-shaped ; sporidia oblong, straight or
slightly curved, containg four sporules or nuclei.—Np/icBrm choe-
tomium, Corda. H. t, 13. f . 102. B. & Br. Ann. N.H.no. 626, t.
9 ,/. 3. Chmtomium pusillum. Fries, exs. no. 272. Sphæria exos-
porioides, Desm. exs. no. 126. Venturia chætomium. De Not.
Schema,p. 51. Cooke Seem. Journ. 1866, t. 49, f 3.
On dead leaves of Carex pendula. a
Sporidia ('00027 in.) '007 m.m. long.
2 7 8 0 . V en tu r ia e r e s . D eN o t. “ Long-haired Venturia.”
Scattered, superficial ; perithecia globose, beset with long,
rigid articulated bristles ; asci short, clavate ; sporidia oblong,
nniseptate.—Sphæria eres, B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 621, pi. ix.
fg .4 . Venturia eres, DeNot. Schema, p. 51. Cooke. Seem. Journ.
1866, Í. 4 9 ,/. 2.
On dead leaves of Carices.