tacles.— Lev. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1851, xv. p. 135, t. 6,/ . 6. Coohe
Seem. Journ. t. x lv./. 3. Coohe M.F. ii. ed.p. 226. Fchl. exs. no.
726-728. Frysihe tridactyla, Rahh. D. Krypt. Fl.p. 237. Desmz.
Ann. Se. Nat. ser. 3, t. iii. 79. 361. Tul. Carp. i. p. 201, t. 4 ,/. 11-
On the leaves of Prunus domestica. September.
[Mid. Carolina.]
(Fig. 315.)
1917. Podosphaera c lan d e stin a . Lev. “ Hawthorn Blight.”
Amphigenous ; conceptacles minute, globose, scattered ; appendages
(8- 10) equal in length to the diameter of the conceptacles
; branches short and rounded at their extremities.—Lev.
Ann. des Sc. Nat. 1851, xv.79. 135, t. 6 ,/. 5. Coohe Seem. Journ.
t. xlv./. 4. Coohe M.F. ii. ed.p. 226. Fckl. exs. no. 729. Frysiphe
Oxyacanthce, D.C. Fl. Fr. vi. p. 106. Duly. Bot. Gall. 868. Cast.
Gai. 79.190. Tul. Ga?’79. i.79. 202, i. 4 ,/. 10. Frysiphe clandestina,
Fr. Sys. Myc.p. 238.
On the leaves of hawthorn. September.
Gen. 281. la iC R O S FH JE R IA , Lev.
Mycelium arachnoid ; appendages
straight, dichotomous;
branchlets swelling at the tip, or
filiform.—Berh. Outl.p. 404.
{Fig. 316.)
1918. Microsphaeria H edwigii.
Lev. “ Meaiy Gueider-rose Biight.”
Hypophyllous; mycelium web-
like, evanescent ; conceptacles
minute, globose, scattered; ap-
Pig. 316. pendages few, very little longer
than the diameter of the conceptacles
; sporangia 4, ovate, containing 4 spores.—Lev. Ann. Sc.
Nat. 1851, xv.79. 155, t. 8,/. 19. Coohe M .F .p . 219, t. xii./. 243.
Calocladia Hedivigii. Fchl. exs. no. 695.
On leaves of mealy guelder-rose. [Low. Carolina.]
(Fig. 316, conceptacle magnified.)
1919. Micxosphaezia p en ic illa ta .
Lev. “ Guelder-rose
Amphigenous ; mycelium web-like, effuse, evanescent ; conceptacles
scattered, minute, globose ; appendages 8- 12, equal
to the diameter of the conceptacle ; sporangia 4, ovate, rostrate,
containing 8 spores.— Lev. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1851, xv.79. i 55, t. 8,/.
21. Coohe M .F .t.x i.f .234. Fckl. exs. 690, 691. F. Alni, Tul.
Carp.i.p. 203, t. 2 ,/. 5-7.
On leaves of guelder-rose and aider. [United States.]
1 9 2 0 . miczosphaezla M o u g e o tll. Lev. “ Tea-tree Blight.”
Amphigenous ; mycelium web-like, oftentimes persistent ; conceptacles
minute, scattered or gregarious, globose, at length depressed;
appendages loosely dichotomous ; sporangia 12-16, on
a short pedicel, 2-spored.—Lev. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1851, xv.79. 158, ¿.
9 ,/. 24. Coohe M.F. p. 219.
On leaves of Lycium harharum. October.
1921. M ic zo sp hæ z ia b e zb e z id is. Lev. “ Berberry Blight.”
Amphigenous ; mycelium web-like, oftentimes persistent ;
conceptacles scattered or gregarious, globose, minute ; appendages
few (5-10) ; branchlets long, divaricate, obtuse at their
apices ; sporangia 6, ovate, containing 6-8 spores.—Lev. Ann.
Sc. Nat. 1851, xv.79. 159,1.10,/. 28. Coohe M.F. t. xi./. 229-232.
Coohe exs. no. 95. Fchl. exs.no. 693. E. Berber idis, Tul. Carp.i.
p. 204, t. 5 ,f. 1. E. penicillata. Eng. Fl. v. p. 327 {partly).
On leaves of berberry. Autumn.
1 9 2 2 . Kticzospbæzia g z o ssu la z iæ . Lev. “ Gooseberry Blight.”
Amphigenous ; mycelium web-like, fugacious or persistent ;
conceptacles scattered or gregarious, globose, minute ; appendages
10-15, vaguely dichotomous, ultimate branchlets bidentate;
sporangia 4-8, ovate, containing 4-5 spores.—Lev. Ann. Sc. Nat.
1851, xv.79. 160, t. 9,f. 25. Coohe M.F.p. 220. Fchl. exs. no. 697.
E.penicillata, Eng. Fl. Y.p. 327 (partly).
On gooseberry leaves.
1 9 2 3 . M ic zo sp bæ z ia cornata. Lev. “ Spindle-tree Blight.”
Hypophyllous ; mycelium web-like, fugacious ; conceptacles
scattered, minute, globose ; sporanges, 8, ovate, with a beaklike
termination at their base, 4-spored ; appendages few, six