680 E L V E L L A C E l .
On dead twigs of Ulex, buried in tbe sandy soil. Nov. Ascot.
Cup 3-6 lines broad. The stem varies in length according to the depth at
which the twig is buried. Sporidia uniseriate, linear-oblong ('0005-'0006 in.)
fong ; about 4 in. high when full grown, stipitate, the stem branching out
or dividing into several heads, which form cups. The cups are_ often proliferous,
producing smaller cups on their surface, of a bright apricot colour,
but whitish towards the margin.—B, & Br.
2 0 1 5 . P e z iz a la d ic u la t a . Som. “ Rooting Peziza.”
Subcrespitose, fleshy, sessile, hemispherical, then expanded ;
disc sulphureous externally, as well as the thick root, white,
villous.—® r.N.if. ii.p. 81. Sow. 1.114. Fng. F l.r .p . 192. B.&
Br. Ann. N.H. (1866), no. 1160*, t. 4 ,/. 23. Rabh. exs. no. 618.
In fir wood. Jedburgh.
Sporidia ('0005 in.) '0127 m.m. long, rather broad, binucleate.—B. 4 Br.
Somewhat reticulated externally, with irregular prominent veins, 1 in. or
more broad.—Bay. Fl.
2 0 1 6 . P e z iz a hem isphe ric a.
Wigg. “ Hemispherical
Sessile, hemispherical, waxy, externally brownish, clothed
with dense, fasciculate hairs ; disc glaucous -white.—Fr. S.M. ii.
p. 84. FcU. exs. no.1211. Eng. Fl. y . p. 193. Mich. t. 86, f . 4.
Bull. t. 204, 396, / . 2. Fl. Han. 1.1558,/. 2, 656,/. 1. Hedw. ii.
t. 4 ,f. B. Schceff. i. 151, i. 319. Hoffm. Or. ii. t. 7 ,/. 6. P. hispida,
Sow.t. 147. Phirsuta Holms, ii.i. 19. Humaria hemîsphoerica,
FcU. Sym. Myc.p. 322.
On the ground. [Mid. & Up. Carolina.]
Cup 2 lines—1 in. broad, varying much in colour.
Sporidia elKpsoid •023-’026 X 'Oll-'OIS m.m.—Nyl. Karst.
2 0 1 7 . P e z iz a lan u g in o sa . B u ll. “ Woolly Peziza.”
Cup broad, thin, waxy, fragile, sessile, ferruginous beneath,
woolly, of a greyish-white within, cup-shaped ; sporidia shortly
and bluntly fusiform.—Bull. t. 396,/. 2.
var. S umne z i. Cup at length radiato-fissnred ; margin
when young narrow, naked.—B. & Br. Ann. N.H. (1866) no.
1161, i. 4 ,/. 25.
Under cedars and larch. Jan.—May.
A large and magnificent species, acquiring frequently a diameter of 2 in.
and oombining in some measure the characters of P. sepulta and P. hemis-
pherica, from both of which it differs in the subfusiform fruit. In plants
which are just open a delicate veil is often found stretched over the orifice.
E L V E L L A C E l . 681
At first entirely buried, then forcing its way through the soil, and splitting
into several hÿes, like a Geaster, which it much resembles from its thick
substance. The outer coat is densely clothed with flexnons hairs, the sporidia
are shortly and bluntly fusiform.—B. &Br. > f
2 0 1 8 . P e z iz a g e a s te z . B. 4 Br. “ Starry Peziza.”
Brown ; cup sub-globose, floccose, at length Assured in a
radiate manner; asci linear; sporidia elliptic; paraphyses
clavate.—®.^®r. Ann. N.H. (1866), no. 956 and 1162, t. 4,f.26
{not Gonn. & Rabh. iii. t. 3 ,f. 5.)
On the ground. Oct. Wentworth.
About an in. across ; hairs flexuous, branched, articulated, often giving
out little curved, hyaline processes, with a few straight bristles intermixed.
Hymenium brown ; paraphyses clavate ; sporidia elliptic, with the ends
very slightly attenuated ('0009 in.) '022 m.m. long.—B &■ Br
At first referred in error to Geop7jxis.—Ann. N.H. no. 956.
2 0 1 9 . P e z iz a s e p u lta . Fr. “ Broken Peziza.”
Hypogæous, globose, clothed with dense woolly fibres ; hy-
menium_ at length exposed by the rupture of the upper portion ;
asci cylindrical ; sporidia elliptic, with one, two, or sometimes
several n u c le i.-Ur.Jf.N®. Ann. N .H. no. 766. Berlc. Outl.p. 365.
On the ground. ííov. East Bergbolt.
One or two in. across, the upper portion often breaking off irregularly, and
( 0009 in. by *0004 in.) *022 X '01 m.m.—
2 0 2 0 . P e z iz a b zu n n e a . A . 4 S. “ Brown Peziza.”
Sessile, hemispherical, then depressed, suh-flexuose, brown,
externally hairy, with short fasciculate hairs.—Ur. S.M.. ii. p.
85. A .& S .t. 9, f . 8. _ Eng. Fl. Y . p . 193. Sturm, ii. t. 28 ? FcU.
exs. 1217. P. hybrida. Sow. t. 369, / . 1. Humaria brunnea.
FcU. Sym. Myc.p. 323.
On the ground. [Mid. Carolina.]
Cups 1-3 lines broad, ofteuflexuous by reason of the dense mode of growth,
when young subglobose, but soon more expanded and depressed, hairs less
distinct, scarcely cihatiug.—Briej.
Sporidia sphærical, -013--017 m.m.—By/. Karst.
2021. P e z iz a hiz ta . Sell. “ Hairy brown Peziza.”
Sessile subhemispherical, externally brown, hairy, margin
somewhat inflexed, internally scarlet; sporidia elliptic, smooth.
—Fr.S.M.H. p. 84. Mich. t. 96, f . 14. B. & Br. Ann. N.H.no.
557,768. P. umbrosa. Babh. exs. no. 1011.