)i I
i: !
; ;
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S P H Æ E IA C E I .
Stroma variable; perithecia
fleshy, pallid or coloured, ovato-
globose and obtuse; asci eight
spored; sporidia uniseriate, didymous,
with two globose and equal
cells, at length separating.—Fr.
S.M. ii. 335. Tul. Carp. iii.7?. 29.
{Fig. 371.)
Kg. 3 7 1 .
2 3 2 7 . Hypoczea g e la tin o sa . Fr. “ Gelatinous Hypocrea.”
Fleshy, convex, equal, opaque, internally whitish ; perithecia
prominent, darker than the stroma ; sporidia colourless, squarish
in the ascus, nearly round when free.—Fr. S.M. ii.y>. 336. Fries,
exs. no. 304. Tode.J. 123,124. F l. Dan. t. 1782,/. 1,2. Fng.Fl.
v. p. 238. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t.4 b ,f. 33. Fckl. exs. no. 993.
On fir. Appin, &c. [United States.]
Variable iu colour, yellow, green, nmber, pallid, &o. Sporidia ('0002 in.)
'005 m.m. long.
2 3 2 8 . Hypocxea ru fa . Fr. “ Eufous Hypocrea.”
C o n id ia .—Villous, white ; conidia globose, dusky green.—
Trichoderma viride, Fers. Syn.p. 230. Fr. S.M. iii.y). 215. Grev.
t 211. Fng. F I.y . p.323. Tode.f. 22. Bull. t. 504, f . 6. Sow.t.
378,/. 14. Fckl. exs. n o .164.
A s c o p h o r e .—Fleshy, convex, irregular, rufous, internally
whitish, wrinkled when dry ; ostiola slightly prominent ; sporidia
sixteen, squarish, colourless.—Tul. Carp, iii.p. 30, t. iii./. 1-
10. Fr. S.M. ii. p. 335. Fr. exs. no. 303. Fl. Dan. 1.1781,/. 2.
Fng. Fl. Y. p. 238. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 45, f . 36. FcU. exs.
no. 994.
On oak, &c. [United States.]
Sporidia ('00015 in.) '004 m.m.—Tul. (Fig. 371,)
2 3 2 9 . Hypocxea xiccio ide a . Berh. “ Lobed Hypocrea.”
Large, fleshy, deeply lohed, orange ; sporidia oblong, uniseptate.—
Berk. Outl.p. 383. Sphceria riccioidea. Bolt. t. 182. Ann.
N.H. no. 95. Sphceria parmelioides, Mont. Ann. Sc. Nat. vi. 1.18,
/. 4. Acrospermum, Tode, t. 2 ,f. 15, a. b.
On willow. Eare. Halifax.
2 3 3 0 . Hypocxea v ita lb a . B .^ B r . “ Clematis Hypocrea.”
Minute, brown, convex, sublobate ; perithecia ovate ; sporidia
biseriate, triseptate, fusiform, appendiculate, hyaline.—®. & Br.
Ann. N.H. no. 829, t .2 , f .8 .
On Clematis vitalba. Batheaston.
Forming m inute groups ofbrown, convex sometimes aligbtly
fluent stromata ; perithecia ovate ; ostiola obsolete;
sporidia ('0022-'0025 in.) '05-'06 m.m. long ('00025 in ), 007 m.m. wide, fusiform,
triseptate, hyaline, torulose, elongated at either end into a slender
setiform appendage.—B. & Br.
2 3 3 1 . H y pocxea c itx in a . Fr. “ Lemon-ooloured Hypocrea.”
Fleshy, effused, nearly plane, lemon coloured ; ostiola prominent,
brownish; sporidia 16, irregular, colourless. Fr. N.M. 11.
p 337. Orev. t. 215. Fr. exs. no. 31. Berk. Fng. Fl. v. p. 238.
Berk. Outl. p. 383. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 46, f . 51. FcU.
On leaves, wood, &o. Appin. [United States.]
Web-like stratum 2-5 inches broad, byssoid at tbe margin, especially when
young, attaching itself to everything lying in its way, plane, but undulated
by the subjacent substances, yellow or tawny yellow.—Wre«.
2 3 3 2 . Hypocxea d e lic a tu la . Tul. “ Delicate Hypocrea.”
Perithecia in byssoid patches, delicate, and qiiite smooth, at
first pale yellowish, at length fawn-coloured ; asci straight, narrowly
linear ; sporidia at first cubical, hut when free becoming
spherical.— Tul.Carp.ni.p.33,t. 4 ,f. 7-13. Tul. Ann. Sc. Nat.
ser. iv. vol. xiii. p. 18. ®. ^ Br. Ann. N. H. (1866), no. 1116.
Fir plantations. April. Wilts.
This extremely interesting fungus is nearly allied to E . cUrina, of which
it has the habit. I t forms patches which are easily separable from the
matrix of a delicate cream-colour, studded with fawn-coloured perithecia.—
B. & Br. Sporidia ('0001 in.) '003 m.m.—Tul.
2 3 3 3 . Hypocxea alTitacea. Fr. “ Tan-coloured Hypocrea.”
Fleshy, soft ; head clavate, tan-coloured, pallid, confluent with
the stem ; sporidia small, at first cylindrical, then didymous, with
unequal cells, which afterwards separate.—-T«Z. Carp. 111. p. 35,
i. iv ./. 1-6. Cordyceps alutacea, Fr. S .M .ii.p .325. S ow .t.152.