2 7 8 7 . Ceratostoma Z obe lii. Berh. “ Truffle Ceratostoma.”
Perithecia very minute, punctiform, globose ; asci broad, sessile
; sporidia ovate-lanceolate or elliptic, unequal-sided, simple,
brown, opaque.—Berh.Outl.p. 402. MicrotlieciumZohelii, Corda.
I c .Y . f . 53. Bot. Zeit. 1861. Fckl exs. no. 809. Ceratostomahrevi-
rostre, Fchl. Sph. Zohelii. Tul. Fung. Hyp. p. 186. Melanospora
Zohelii, Fchl. Sym. Myc. p. 127.
On trufB.es.
Gen. 361.
Perithecia between membranaceous
and carbonaceous, reticulated, seated
on a distinct mycelium ; ostiolum obsolete
; asci cylindrical ; sporidia subglobose,
hyaline or coloured ; paraphyses
simple or branched.
(Fig. 401.)
2 7 8 8 . Orbicula cy c lo sp ora .
Coohe. “ Paper Orbicula.”
Mycelium radiating, branched, colourless
; perithecia globose, dark-
brown, reticulated ; asci cylindrical ;
paraphyses branched ; sporidia globose, hyalme.—Sphæria cyclospora,
Coohe in Pop. Sci. Bev.Jan.1811, t. 35, f . 10,11.
On varnished wall paper.
This species was accompanied by Rhinotrichum lanosum, Penicillium chartarum,
and Sporidesmium alternaria, all of which may be connected therewith
as conidia and stylospores. (See Popular Science Reriew quoted above.)
There appears to be no decided mouth to the perithecia, so th at it is not a
true Sphæria. (Fig- 401.)
2 7 8 9 . Orbicula t a r ta r ic o la . Coohe. “ Lichen Orbicula.”
Mycelium superficial,dark-brown, radiating, very much branched
andarticulated,thejoints oblong and nucleate ; perithecia oblong-
conical, black, growing in the interstices of the matrix ; asci
linear ; sporidia simple, spherical or oblong, at first colourless,
at length brown, and minutely nucleate.—Sphæria tartaricola,
Leight. Ann. N.H.XIX. p. 408. Linn. Trans. xxyH.p. 159, t. 35,
lower figs.
On thallus of Lecanora tartarea. Near Dolgelly.
This parasite was growing on the interstices of the areolae of the thallus of
the lichen, arid never on the surface. The only specimen observed was collected,
and is deposited in the Kew Herbarium. No mention whatever is
made by the Rev, W. Leighton of any ostiolum, nor is there any indication
in the figures. In this respect, as well as in the reticulated substance of the
perithecia, distinct mycelium, and spherical spores it accords with the preceding
species, both of which seem to offer good features for a distinct genus,
the absence of ostiolum being sufficient reason to exclude them from the
genus S^kceria,
Gen. 3 6 2 . M IC RO TH Y R IU ia , Desm.
Perithecia simple, superficial,
membranaceous, adpressed,
scutiform, perforated
in the centre; asci fixed,
subclavate. — Desm. Ann. Sc.
Nat. XV. (1 8 4 1 ), 79. 137.
{Fig. 402.)
Besm. “ Microscopic
Pig. 402.
2 7 9 0 . Micro thy rium microscopicum.
Epiphyllous ; spots large, irregular, greyish ; perithecia scattered,
minute, flattened, black, somewhat shining, papillate;
asci clavate; sporidia nearly fusiform, uniseptate, at length triseptate,
hyaline.—Desm. Ann. Sc. Nat. (1841), xv. p. 138, t. 14,
f . l . Desm. exs.no.1092. Fckl.exs. no.190. Cooke exs. no.282.
Coohe, L.F. no. 91.
On leaves of box, evergreen oak, &c.
Fuckel, in his Symholae Myoologiose (p. 98, t. iii. f. 11, a. b. 0 ,) makes a
distinct species of the form found on oak leaves, hut, it appears to us, without
sufficient reason. (Fig- 402.)
Gen. 3 6 3 . S T IGM A T E A , Fr.
Parasitic ; perithecia globose,
black, innate, slightly prominent;
nucleus firm, at first mouthless,
then with a roundish aperture.—
Tul. Carp. ii. p. 286.{
Fig. 403.)
Fig. 403.