linear ; sporidia uniseriate, oblong 4-5 septate.—Nees.f. 355.
Eng. F I .y. p .216. B. & Br. Ann. N*.
On bramble, Epilohium, &c.
Easily known by the shining black spots of the epidermis, which cover the
perithecia, and by its neat appearance. Sporidia ( ' 0 0 0 8 in.) - 0 2 m.m. long.
»S . clypeata, Fr. S.M. ii.p. 4 8 7 . Fries exs. no. 3 9 8 , appears to be different (B.
&Br. Ann. &1&.)
2 6 7 1 . Sphæ ria m e lin a . B r . 4 B r . “ Brown stained
_ Sub-cuticular, globose ; ostiola minute ; asci sub-linear ; sporidia
uniseriate, cymbiform, triseptate.—B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no.
888, i. 11, f . 33.
On dead ash twigs. Mar. Batheaston.
Perithecia immersed in the bark, which is stained brown immediately
above them, piercing the cuticle by a minute ostiolum ; asci elongated,
linear, obtuse ; sporidia uniseriate, subcymbiform when seen laterally, triseptate
( ' 0 0 0 9 in.) - 0 2 2 m.m. long.
*** Sporidia coloured, hilocular.—Amphisphceria, de Not.
2 6 7 2 . Sphæ ria do chmia. B . 4 B r . “ Gouty Sphæria.”
Scattered, covered ; perithecia solitary, ovate, oblique, at
length collapsed ; neck very short, constricted ; ostiola flattened ;
asci cylindrico-clavate, obtuse ; sporidia biseriate, oblong,
slightly curved, at length uniseptate, hyaline.—B. & Br. Ann. 630, i. 1 0 ,/. 13.
On dead elm twigs. Jan. Batheaston.
Scattered oyer the twigs, visible externally from the swellings caused hy
the perithecia ; perithecia somewhat ovate, oblique, collapsed when dry,
neok extremely short and somewhat constricted; ostiolum, broad, obtnse|
perforated in the centre ; sporidia oblong, very obtuse, slightly curved, at
length uniseptate.—B. & Br.
2 6 7 3 . Sphæ ria t r iv la lis . B . 4 Br. “ Common Twig
Scattered, covered ; perithecia depressed, minute ; ostiola obsolete
; asci large, clavate, obtuse ; sporidia elliptic, uniseptate.
—B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 632,1.10,/. 16.
On dead twigs. Feb. Batheaston.
Scattered, covered by the cuticle, which appears brownish over each perithecium,
but is really colourless; perithecia depressed, elliptic; ostiola
obsolete ; asci broad, clavate, containing eight broadly elliptic, uniseptate
sporidia.—JB. ifcBr.
2 6 7 4 . Sphæ ria fu t i l i s . B . 4 Br. “ Blackened rose Sphæria.”
Scattered, covered by the blackened cuticle ; perithecia subglobose
; asci linear ; sporidia uniseriate, short, ohlong-elliptic,
uniseptate.—B. & Br. Ann.N.H. no. 638,1.1 1 ,/ 23.
On dead rose twigs. Mar. King’s Cliffe.
Minute, scattered, oovored by the blackened ontiole, so as to present little
black specks. Asci linear; sporidia uniseriate, short, oblong-elliptio, hyaline,
sometimes slightly constricted in the centre, uniseptate. The septum
appears to be continued through the external as well as the internal membrane.
The sporidia have much the form which is so oommon in Diplodia.
2 6 7 5 . S p hæ ria o b lite s c e n s . B .^B r . “ Covered Cornel
Perithecia depressed, covered ; ostiola obscure ; asci linear,
elongated ; sporidia ohlong-elliptic, very obtuse, uniseptate.—B.
& Br. Ann. N.H. no. 887, t. 11, /. 32.
On dead twigs of Oorraas. Jan. Spye Park.
Perithecia covered by the ontiole, depressed, moderately large ; asoi cylindrical,
elongated ; sporidia uniseriate, oblong-elliptic, very obtuse, uniseptate,
slightly constricted at the commissure ('0005 in.) -0125 m.m. long ; paraphyses
linear, some of them containing one or two sporidia. The cuticle
is occasionally discoloured above the perithecia.—B. 4 Br.
2 3 7 6 . S p hæ ria e p id e im id is . Fr. “ Commonhrown-spored
Scattered ; perithecia covered, prominent, even, small, at length
collapsed and plane, astomous; sporidia uniseptate, of two apposed,
ratherirregularcones,coloured.—'Unes. exs. no. 19 (partly)
Berh. Ann. N.H. no. 186. B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 639*. Curr.
Linn. Traras. xxii. t. 59, f . 119. FcU. exs. no. 1770. Didymo-
sphceriaepidermidis,FcU. Sym.Myc.p. 141. Sphceria araucarioe,
Coohe Seem. Journ. Bot. iv. (1866), t. 45, f. 12.
On privet, elder, bramble, &c. [Low. Carolina.]
Very variable, especially in the size of the sporidia. A form occurs on
bramble stems with the asci usually tetrasporous ( Coolce Seem. Journ. 1866,
iy. t. 45, / . 10). Sporidia ('0004 in.) -01 m.m. long.
2 6 7 7 . S p hæ ria d ip lo sp o ra . Cooke. “ Twin-spored Bramble
Pycnidia.—Perithecia scattered, covered with the epidermis,
prominent, snbglobose, black ; stylospores elliptical, dark-brown,
rather opaque, uniseptate.—Diplodia rubi, Fr. S .V .S . p. 417.
Fckl. exs. no. 536. Coohe Seem. Journ. (1866), iv. no. 33.