is inserted under the generic name proposed by Tulasne for some allied
There is a very pale houey-colonred variety, springing from a snow-white
subiculum, which accompanies the darker form.—B. &Br.
Mr. Currey’s specimen on Polyporus hispidus probably belongs to t^”'?
species. Sporidia elliptical (not aouminate or flexnons) ’0005 in., Curr. Linn.
Trans, t. 57, f. 7.
2 3 3 8 . Hypomyces xo se llus. Tul. “ Roseate Hypomyces.”
C o n i d i a .— Flocci aggregate, yery much branched, white;
branchlets racemose; conidia terminal, obovate-cylindrical, septate.—
Dactylium dendroides, Fr. S.M. iii.p. 414. Eng. F I.y . p.
845. Tul. Carp. iii. t.y .f. 1-15. Coohe Quek. Journ. (1870), t. 4.
Mucor dendroides, B u ll.t . 504,/. 9. Trichothecium agaricinum.
Bon. Myc.f. 114-167.
A s c o p h o b b .— Perithecia gregarious, glohoso-ovate, papillate,
deep rose-red, seated on a paler tomentose snhicnlum ; sporidia
short, oblong, uniseptate.—Tul. Carp. iii. p. 45, ii. t. 30, / . 6-9.
Sph. rosella, Fr. S.M. H.p. 441. Eng. Fl. v. p. 259. Grev. t. 138.
Nectriarosella, Berk. Outl.p. 393. Ann. N.H. no. 211*, t. 1 7 ,/.
24 b.
Cn Thelephora, &c. Appin, &c.
The subioulnm varies from pale to deep rose-red. Sporidia (’0005 in.)
•0127 m.m. long.
Htpomtciss chktsospekmus, Tul. is the ascigerous, or perfect condition
of which Sepedonium chrysospermum is the comdia. Only the latter state has
yet been recorded in Britain.
2 3 3 9 . Hypomyce s lu te o .v iren s. Tul. “ Greenish-yellow
Effused, thin, dirty yellow, with a greenish tin t; perithecia
emergent, ostiola crowded, brownish ; sporidia colourless, narrowly
almond-shaped.—Tul. Carp.Hi.p.51 ,t.yiH. f . 15,16. B.
& Br. Ann. N.H. (1866), p. 128. Hypocrea luteo-virens, F r. S.M.
ii. p. 339. A. & G. t. 6,/. 8. B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 594, 1101*.
Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 4 6 ,/. 53.
Cn Boletus. Laxton. [Mid. Carolina.]
Perithecia dull yellow orange colour, imbedded in a woolly subiculum,
which produces yellow stylospores {Curr I. c. f . 53 c.) ; sporidia ('OOOS-'OOIO
in) •02-’025 m.m.
2 3 4 0 . Hypomyces Bxoomeianus.
Tul. “ Broome’s
Perithecia ovate-acute, clad with a dense short wool; asci
linear, sporidia linear-lanceolate, straight, uniseptate.—Tul. Carp.
iii. p. 108. B. &. Br. Ann. N.H. (1866), no. 1115, t. 5 , /3 4 . Hypocrea
luteo-virens, Ann. N .H. no. 1101 ■
On Polyporus annosus. Nov. Batheaston.
Conidia C0002--0003 in.) 'OOS-'OO/e m.m. long.
Sporidia C0005-'0006 iu.) •0127-'015 m.m. long.
2341. H y p om y c e s l a t e r i t iu s . Tul. “ Briok-red
Broadly effused, fleshy, smooth, pale briok-red; perithecia
riobose; ostiola punctiform; spondia eihptico-aouminate,
!olourleLs,uniseptate.-T«7. Carp.Hi.p. 62,n p. 273, i. x x x ^ / 5.
Hypocrea lateritia, Fr. S .M .ii.p . 338 Eng. F I.y .p . 238 Merulius
helvelloides, Sow. t. 402. Curr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t. 4 6 ,/. 47.
Cn fungi. Nov. [Mid. Carolina.]
Plant of a rather thick substance, rendering the hyménium of the Agaric
on wMch it grows, and indeed the whole plant, ju ic ^ so th at it soon becomes
putrid. Perithecia irregularly immersed, at length emergent, minute ,
surface even, frosted with a thin white meal.-Unes.
Sporidia (•0006-'0007 m.) '015--0177 m.m.
2 3 4 2 . Hypomyces to im in o su s . Tul. “ Honey-coloured
Gregarious; perithecia small, spherical, depressed, mealy,
honey-coloured, papillate ; papillæ darker ; asci cylindrical ;
sporidia oblong, uniseptate.—Tab Carp. m .p . 40. NeAriator-
m i n o s a , Mont. S y ll.p .2 2 5 ,n o .l8 8 . Hypocrea floccosa, Fr. Sum.
V.S.p.564- B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 523.
On Lactarius torminosus. King’s Cliffe. [Low. Carolina ?]
Gen. 3 3 7 . OOMYCES, B. & Br.
Perithecia erect, contained in a
polished, coloured sac, which is free
above ; ostiola pundtiform, apical;
asci linear ; sporidia filiform, very
long.—®. &Br. Ann. N.H. no. 590.
{Fig. 373.)