Sow t. 85. Schceff. t. 327. Nees.f. 157. Schm. 122. Mich,
t. 87, f . S.Berh. Outl. t. 22,f . 2. Corda. Anl. G.f. 65,f . 5-8. Bisch.
/ . 3380-3384. Loud.f. 16184. Bav. exs.yi. no. 79.
Amongst grass. Common. [S. Carolina.]
1 9 6 2 . G eo g lo ssum diffo rm e. Fr. “ Twisted Geoglossum.”
Smooth, even, suhviscid, black ; club compressed, distinct ;
sporidia linear, curved, tri-septate, pale-brown.—Kromhh. t. 54,
/ . 28, 29. ®?-. iS'.di. i.y). 489. Berh. exs. no. 256. Fng. F I .y . p.
178. Kl.exs.ii.m).424. Price 1.18, f. 117.
Amongst grass. Sept.—Oct. [United States.]
Eeceptacle compressed, lanceolate, hollowed out on either side, distorted,
distinct, smooth, very si' ’ " -uto-i. i
Stem equal, cylindrical,
sporidia as in O.
RH IZ IN A , Fr.
Crustaceons, effused, then hul-
lato-inflated, underset with rootlike
fibrils.—®r. ri". P./S'.
Eeceptacle effused,crustaceous,hnllate,
concave beneath, furnished with numerous
root like fibrillæ ; margin deflexed ;
hymenium occupying the whole of the
superior surface, even, persistent ; asoi
fixed, large ; sporidia ovato-oblong, with
two sporidioli ; stem none ; pileus con-
vex, suhrotund, determinate, margin at
first byssoid ; substance fleshy.'—Fr.S.M.
ii.p . S3. (F ig .m .)
Fig. 330.
1 9 6 3 . R h iz in a u n d u la ta . Fr. “ Waved Ehizina.”
Effused, undulated, bay-brown; margin inflexed, floccnlose
beneath and pallid ; asci linear, eight spored sporidia fusiform,
binucleate ; paraphyses claviform.—®r. S.M. n .p . 33. Tul. Hyp.
t. 21,/. 16. B. 4' Br.Ann. N.H. no. 1076. Intell. Ohs. no. 25.
Curr. Linn. Trans, xxiv.p. 493, t. 51, f . 7-9. Babh. exs. no. 39.
On sandy hanks where the heath had been burnt down. Ascot.
[S. Carolina.]
Some of the specimens have a raised yellow margin as in (« /J« !“ -
this vanishes with age. Sporidia colourless or yellowish ( 0012- 0014 in.)
•025--03 m.m. long. (^^9- 330.)
FEZ IZA , Linn.
Cup-shaped; cup more or less
concave, soon open; disc naked;
asci fixed.—Fr. S.M. ii.p. 40.
Fries divides this genus into three
groups, with the following distinguish,
ing characteristics ;—
(Fig. 331.)
Fig. 331.
Externally pruinose or floocoso-furfuraoeons
Externally pilose or villous . . . .
Externally almost naked, smooth .
Series 1. Aleuria., Fr.
Fleshy or carnoso-membranaceous, externally pruinose, or
floccoso-furfuraceons. Mostly terrestrial.
Stem firm, sulcate, elongated
Subsessile, oblique, or twisted ,
Subsessile, r e g u l a r ...................................
Small, somewhat fleshy, margin flocculose
More or less coriaceous...................................
The last section, Encdlia, scarcely accords -with the characters of the
Sec. 1. Macropodes—stem firm, sulcate, or elongated.
1 9 6 4 . P e z iz a a c e tab u lum . L . “ Eeticulated Peziza.”
Cyathiform, dingy, ribbed externally with branching veins,
which run up from the short, lacunose, fistulöse stem.—Fr.
S.M. ii.p. 44. Fchl. exs. no. 1231-2084. Sow. t. 59. Vaill. 1.13.
f . l . Bull.t. 485, J. 4. Fng. Fl. Y. p. 187. Acetabula vulgaris,
Fchl. Sym. Myc. p. 330.
On the ground in spring. Esculent. [Low. Carolina.]
Cup 2 in. broad, in. high, externally floccoso-furfuraceous, light-umber,
darker within, month contracted, firm, tough, flesh not very thick; stem
1 in. high, smooth, deéply, but regularly eostato-laounose, the ribs branching
at the top and forming reticulations on the outside of the cup, so as to
present the appearance of a cluster of pillars supporting a font or roof, with
fret-work between them.—E n g .F l. Sporidia •Q16--024 X •012-'016 m.m.—