i î
the_ leaf, which is at length pierced with minute round orifices ;
asci oblong, distinct, contaming several oblong, septate sporidia.’
Berh. Eng. Fl. Y.p. 258. Ann. N.H. no. 179.
On leaves of cherry laurel. Aug. Near Edinburgh.
Spots li-2 i lines broad, completely penetrating the leaf so as to pr
nearly the same appearance on either side. Perithecia apparently epi
lous, but projecting almost equally on both surfaces of the stroma.—üf.7..5.
c. Gaulicolce.
Perithecia at first covered, at length naked by the falling away
of the epidermis. On herbaceous stems.—F r .S .M . ii.yi. 322.
A. Sporidia multicellular==(PZ«o«7mra,i?a5A.)
2 6 9 2 . Sphæzia hezbarum. Pers. “ Common herbaceous
Conidia.—Tufts effused, soft, dense, green, then olive-black ;
flocci collapsing, pellucid, as well as the olivaceous, at length uniseptate
conidia.— Gladosporium herharum, Linh. sp. 1, p. 39. Enq.
F I.y .p . 338. (See no. 1744, ante.)
Maokooonidia.—Piocci suberect, delicate, fugacious, slightly
branched ; macroconidia clavate, at length subrectangular, multiseptate,
constricted.—Macrosporium sarcinula, B. & Br. Ann
N.H. no. 125, t. 8 ,f. 10. (See no. 1731, ante.)
_ P yonidia.— Stylospores very minute, oblong, pale vinous red,
discharged in slender iei\àxils.—Myxosporium orbiculare, Berh.
Outl.p. 825. Cytispora orbicularis, B. Ann. N.H. no. 106, t. 7, f.
6. (See no. 1407, ante.) On gourds.
Stylospores.—Perithecia numerous, small, snbrotund, brown ;
ostiola poriform ; stylospores oval, hyaline, with one or two spo-
. rules.—Phoma herharum. West. Act. Belg. xix. ».118. Rabh. F .
E . no. 455.
A soophore.— Subgregarious, minute, black ; perithecia generally
covere/ globoso-depressed, even ; ostiolum slightly prominent,
punctiform ; sporidia oblong-elliptic, yellow, then brown,
mnlticellular.—Per«. Syn. p. 79. Fr. S.M. ii.79. 511. Berh. exs.
no. 267. Fries, exs. no. 38. Fng. Fl. y. p. 276. Curr. Linn.
Trans, xxii. t. 59, f . 138. Pleosporaherbarum, Rabh.F.E. no. 145.
Tul. Carp.ii. p. 262, t. 32. Fchl. exs. no. 811. Coohe exs. no.
On herbaceous stems. Common. [United States.]
var. a. P ls i. On pea stems. Sphceria pisi. Sow. t. 393, f . 8.
Eng. F l. Y . p . 275. Berh. exs. no. 183. Carr. Linn. Trans, xxii. t.
60,/. 131. Pleosporapisi, Fchl. Sym. Myc. p. 131. FcM.exs.no.
var. ¡3. Sczophulaziæ. On Scrophularia stems and capsules.
Sphceria Scrophularice, Eng. Fl. Y.p. 276. Pleospora scrophu-
larioe, Rabh. Cooke exs. no. 376.
var. 7 . L e gum in um . On pods of beans, vetches, Golutea, &c.
Pleospora leguminum, Rabh. exs. no. 548. Fckl. exs. no. 2129.
The sporidia are very variable in size, but we see no reason for splitting
np this species in the manner that some authors have proposed.
2 6 9 3 . Sphæzia in fe c to z ia . PcM. “ Straw Pleospora.”
Perithecia disposed in lines, rarely solitary, always covered,
at length cracking the cuticle, minute, globose, black, staining
the straw ; asci cylindrical, stipitate ; sporidia uniseriate, ovate-
oblong, obtuse, five-septate, and muriform, slightly constricted,
yellowish.—Pleospora infectoria, Fchl.Sym.Myc.p. 132, t. 3, f. 23,
Fckl. exs. no. 2246. Pleospora culmorum, Cooke MSS.
On straw of Ammophila arundinacea. May. Shere. (Dr.
Sporidia ('OOOS-'OOl in.) '02-'025 m.m. long.
B. Sporidia coloured, not muriform.
2 6 9 4 . Sphæzia lun a z iæ . B .& B r . “ Honesty Sphæria.”
Gregarious ; perithecia black, snbglobose ; ostiola papillæform,
soon piercing the cuticle ; asci linear ; sporidia biseriate,
oblong, triseptate.—B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 8 92,1.11,/. 36.
On dried pods of Lunaria rediviva.
Gregarious, minute, black, subglobose, piercing the cuticle by the papillæform
ostiolum J asci short, linear, obtuse ; sporidia ('001 in.) '025 m.m. long,
biseriate, oblong, acute or obtuse, very slightly curved, triseptate, articulation
slightly torulose.—JB. 4 Br.
2 6 9 5 . . Sphæzia C liv en s is . B . & B r. “ Brown spored herb
Covered, subglobose ; ostiola minute, perforating ; asci elongato
clavate ; sporidia oblong, curved, slightly, obtuse at either
end, triseptate, brown.—B. & Br. Ann. N.H. no. 643, t. 11,/. 29.
Cooke exs. no. 386. Curr.Linn. Trans.:Kx.ii. t. 59, f . 136.
On dead stems of parsnips, &c. July.