Veil persistent, membranaceo-floc-
cose, then splitting above into laciniæ ;
receptacle clavate, fleshy, composed of
nearly simple sporiferons threads ;
spores fusiform, arcuate,—Desm. Ann.
Sc.Nat. [1848).x .p . 359. {Ftg. 228.)
Kg. 228.
1 6 6 6 . M ic io c e ra co ccophila. Desm. “ Coccus Microcera.”
Very minute, subcsespitose, conical, simple, rose-red, membrane
of the base very thin, whitish, vaginate, connate ; spores
hyaline, elongated, acute at eitlier end.—Desm. Ann. Sc. Nat.
1848, x.p. 359. Exs. no. 1750. Rahh. exs. no. 269. Coohe exs. no.
350. ’ Tul. F . Carp, in ,p . 105.
Parasitic on Cocci on bark of trees.
Tulasne considers this to be tbe conidiophorous form of a sp eo ie^ f
Gen. 1 9 4 . V 0 LU T E I.1 .A , Fr.
Eeceptacle fringed, or studded with
long hyaline bristles ; spores diffluent,
gelatinous.—Fr. S.M. iii.p. 466. Berh.
Outl.p. 340. {Fig. 229.)
1 6 6 7 . V o lu te lla c ilia t a . Fr.
“ Fringed Volutella.”
Substipitate, whitish, _ then rose
coloured, circumference ciliated with
erect bristles.—Fr. S.M. iii. p. 467.
Bisch.f. 3827. Psilonia rosea, Eng. FI.
y .p . 353. Berh. exs. no. 56. Ann. N.H. no. 495.
On potatoes. Winter and spring. [Mid. Carolina.]
-M .J .B .
1 6 6 9 . V o lu te lla se to sa . Berk. “ Bristly Volutella.”
Quite sessile, white, mass of spores surrounded by and mixed
with erect elongated bristles.—Berh. Outl. p. 340. Psilonia setosa,
Eng. FI. v. p. 353. AEgerita setosa, Grev. t. 268,/. 2. Fr. S.M.
iii. 75. 2 2 0 .
On wood, herbaceous stems, &c. Appin.
Spores globose and fusiform. The bristles spring from the base and penetrate
the whole mass. 229.)
1 6 6 9 . V o lu te lla hyacinthorum.
Berk. “ Hyacinth
Very minute, white, very shortly but distinctly stipitate, mass
of spores surrounded Ijy bristles.—Berh. Out. p. 340. Psilonia
hyacinthorum, Eng. FI. v.p. 353.
On dead bulbs. King’s Cliffe.
V olutella Buxi. Berh. Outl. is a state of Nectria Bous-
1 6 7 0 . V o lu te lla m e la lom a . B.^-Br. “ Orange Volutella.”
Stroma orange, hairs black ; spores shortly fusiform, slightly
lunate, appendiculate.—B. ^ Br. Ann. N.H. no. 496, t. x i./. 3.
On Carices.
Perfectly superficial. Stroma and spores bright orange, fringed with
black articulated hairs. In company with Neottwspora cwrKum.
Gen. 195. TUBERCUtARIA, Tode.
Receptacle verruciform, innate,
clothed with a dense stratum
of gelatinous, minute
spores.—Berh. Outl.p. 340.
Probably none of the species are
autonomous. {Big- 230.)
P. “ Granulate Tubercularia.”
Kg. 230.
1671. T u b e r cu la r ia g ran u la ta .
Stratum of spores, rugose, dirty-red, at length brown, margin
naked ; spores subfusiform.—Fr. S.M. in. p. 465. Grev. 1.187.
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