i 64 B U N N G.
eight middle tail feathers, and outermoft one, are white; the
outermoft but one black: legs and claws reddilh flefh-colour.
This variety was found in the county of Ejfex.
Emberiza nivalis, Faun. Suec. 227. B.
Great Pied Mountain Finch, Brambling, or Sea Lark, Man Syn. p. 88. A.—
Will. om. p. 255. pi. 77.
Pied Mountain Finch, Albin. iii. pi. 71 ?
Tawny Bunting, Br. Zool. i. N° 121*
Lev. Mu/,
T E N G T H fix inches and three quarters. Bill Ihort, yellow,
point black: crown of the head tawny'j‘ forehead
darkeft : neck the fame, but paler : throat almoft white, changing
to a dull yellow near the breaft, which, with the under parts,
is white dafhed with yellowifh marks * : the back and fcapular
feathers are black, edged with pale reddifh brown: rump, and.
upper tail coverts, half white half yellow : the firft fix quill feathers
dufky, the lower parts of them white; on the feven following
ones the white gradually gains on the dufky parts, fo that
the laft of them is wholly white, except a dufky fpot; the two
next quills wholly white; the reft of the quills, the baftard wing,,
and fcapulars, are black, edged with pale red : the outer fecon-
daries the fame colour as the quills, but the reft of them white;,
forming a bed of white on the wii»g,:; the four middle tail feathers
are dufky black.,, fringed with white ; the three , outer ones,
on each fide white, marked with a dufky fpot on the outer web j
* This is not CQnl ta nt , my fpecimens of M. and E. have the under parts
wholly: white, j .
B U N T I N G . i6 S
but the third on both webs at the tip : legs black: hind claw
very long.
This fpecies is now and then met with in the northern parts of Place.
England-, but I believe no where very common.
Lefler Pied Mountain Finch, or Brambling, Will, an, p, 255, — Morton. MOUNTAIN B.
North, p. 423. pi. 13. f. I.
Mountain Bunting, Br. Zool. i. N° 1.23.
reft yellow : forehead of a dark chefnut: hind part of the
head and cheeks lighter: hind part of the neck, and back, afh-
coloured, the latter more fpotted with hlack: the throat white :
breaft and belly waved with flame-colour: at the fetting-on of
the wing grey j the five firft feathers blackifh brown, the reft
white, the point of each dafhed with brown : the three outer tail
feathers white, the reft dark brown: feet black: the hind claw
as long again as the others: the breaft. of the female is of a
darker colour than that of the male*
This is faid to be found in Torkjhire and Nortbam-ptonjhire, and.
to be ftill a different fpecies from the others *.
* Linnaus has comprized the whole of the foregoing under one fpecies, our
Jirft-xnentioned, fappoling all the others either in the. fummer drefs, or in their
approaches towards it. Mr. Pennant is of a different opinion, from his own ob-
fervations $. and we have not heiitated a moment to depend on fo good