76 T H R U S H .
margins of all the others, are olive; the inner whitifh: legs
grey brown.
This inhabits Saint Domingo, and is like one found in Cayenne
*, except the upper parts being more brown, and the under
of a paler grey.
Turdus Surinamus, Lin. Syjl, i. p. 297. N° 27. .
Le Merle de Surinam, Brif. orn. Suppl. p. 46. N° 25. pi. 3. f. I. —
Buf. oif. iii. p. 399.
Turdus niger, &c. N. C. Petr. xi. p. 439. pi. 16. f. 10.
D e s c r i p t i o n . g I Z E of a L a rk : length fix inches and a half. Bill blackifh
: the general colour o f the plumage is gloffy black, except
the crown of the head, which is of a beautiful yellow : on
each fide of the breaft a pale fulvous yellow fpot: the rump of
the fame colour: the lefier inner wing coverts are white, forming
a fpot of the fame on the wing ; the under wing coverts all
white: the quills are blackifh, and all of them, except the two
outer ones, and that neareft the body, are yellow at the bafe pn
the inner web : the legs are brown.
Place. This is met with at Surinam.
Turdus palmarum, Lin. Syf. i. p. 295. N° 19.
Le Palmifte, Brif. orn. ii. p. 301. N° 47. pi. 29. f. I• Bufi oif iii.
p. 400.—PI. enl. 539. f. 1.
Description. g I Z E of a Lark : length fix inches and a half. The bill, the
crown of the head, the neck, breaft, and under parts, cinereous
: forehead and cheeks black, marked with three white
Merle olive de Cayenne, PI. cnl. 558.
t h r u s h .
fpots on each fide, viz. one on each fide of the forehead, one
above, and another under each eye : the chin is white, extending
beneath each cheek: upper part of the body and wings
olive green: quills brown, with olive green edges: tail of this
laft colour: legs cinereous.
This is found at Cayenne, and is mod frequent among the
Le Palmifte à tête noire, Sri/, or«, ii. p. 3° 3- N" 48- P1- 29- zr
p H I S fcarcely differs from the former, except in the head,
which is wholly black, but marked with the fame kind of
white fpots. It is found in the fame places, and may be con-
fidered as differing merely in fex, and moil likely may prove
the male.
Var. A.
Le Moloxita, ou la religieufe d’Afryffinie, Buf. oif. iii. p. 400.
C 1 Z E of a Blackbird. The bill reddifh: the head is black, Description.
which defeends on the throat, and finifhes in a point on the
breaft : the upper parts of the body are yellow, more or lefs
tinged with brown; the under parts pale yellow : the wing coverts
and feathers of the tail are brown, bordered with yellow,
and the quills blackifh, bordered with light grey : the legs
This inhabits the woods of Abyffinia, and feeds on berries and
fruits; is frequently found in fuch trees as grow on the edges of
precipices, which both renders it difficult to fhoot, and to get at
when killed.