27* F I N C H.
If I am not miftaken, the fame bird is alfo met with ip
America, about New York, to which it comes about the end of
March, and frequents the red cedars. One of thefe is in the collection
of Major Davies.
Red-breaited Finch, Ar3. Zooi,
D escription. ID I L L white: cheeks, throat, fore part of the neck, and
breaft, of a rich crimfon : crown, upper part of the neck,
back, wings, and tail, black: wing coverts crofted with two
lines of white: legs black. t .
P lace. Found at Sandy Hook, in the Ipring.
31. Little Sparrow, Edzu. pi. 354. f. 2.
FERRUGINOUS Ferruginous Finch, ArB. Zooi.
D escription. C I Z E of the Hedge Sparrow : length five inches and a half.
Bill dulky : upper parts of the plumage, quills, and tail,
dark brown, edged with reddilh brown : the under parts, from
the breaft, light-coloured, marked with dark long fpots on the
breaft : about the eyes white : legs brownilh flelh-colour.
Place. Inhabits Penfylvania, and other parts of North America.
Le Moineau de Penfylvanie, Brif. orn. App. p. 77.
White-throated Sparrow, Edw. pi. 304.—ArB. Zooi.
.Description. C I Z E of the Tree Sparrow: length fix inches and a half.
Bill dulky : irides hazle : from the corner of the mouth
through the eye a dulky ftreak, and above the -eye one of an
orange-colour : the upper parts of the plumage are reddilh
2 brown:
brown: the throat white: cheeks, and the reft of the tinder
parts, cinereous white: edge of the upper part of the wing pale
yellow: legs flefh-colour.
Inhabits Penfylvania.
Falciated Finch, ArB. Zooi.
p R O W N , hind part of the neck, and back, ruft-coloured,
^ fpotted with black, the fpots largeft on the back: wings
plain ruft-colour: primaries dulky, edged with dirty white:
under parts of the body white, marked with ftreaks of black,
pointing downwards: tail brown, crofted with numerous dulky
Grafs Finch, Ar3, ZooL
rrjr ^ 13 ^ upper part of* the neck, and back, cinereous, roft-
coloured, and black : cheeks brown : lefTerwing coverts
bright bay; the others black, edged with white: primaries
dulky, with white edges : lower part of the neck and Tides
white, marked with fmall ftreaks : belly of a pure white: tail
Inhabits New York, where it ftays all winter, and is known by
the name of Gra/s-bird *.
* Mr. Pennants
P lace.
P l a c e .
34- .
P lace-o