V ar. A, Le Grivelin a Cravate, Buf. oif. iii, p. 473.
Grovbec cl’Angola, PL enl. 659. f. z.
D escription. VJ ' H I S ieems to be a mere variety, if not a different fex, of
the fame bird. It differs merely in having the upper parts
o f a darker colour: the white collar round the neck, as well as
the mottled band on the breaft, much broader than in the former
bird. There is alfo a fpot of white at the bafe of the quills,
near the edge of the wing; and the under parts more inclined
to rufous.
Place. Inhabits Angola.
Le Grifalbin, Buf. oif. iii. p. 467.
Gros-bec de Virginie, PJ. enl. 3.93. f. 1,
Grey Grofbeak, ArEl. Zool.
D escription. O I Z E of the Blue Titmoufe: length four inches. Bill dark
brown : neck, and fore part of the head, white : the reft of
the body blue grey: legs reddilh : claws brown.
Place. Inhabits Virginia.
Loxia Chloris, Lin. Syft. i. p. 304. N° 27. — Faun. Suec. 226.— Scop. ann. i.
N° 208.— Muller, N° 248.— Kramer, p. 367. N° 3 ._Frifc’r. t. ii. —
Olin. uc. 26.
Le Verdier, Erif. urn iii. p. 190. N° 54----Buf. oif. iv. p. 172. pi. 15.__
PI. enl. 267. f. 2.
Greenfinch, Rait Syn. p. 85. A. 4* — Will. orn. p. 246. pi. 4.4. — Alb in. i.
pi. 58.— Br. Zool. i. N° 217.— Ar&. Zool.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf.
D escription. H I S is a well-known bird: the general colour yellowifh
green, paleft on the rump and breaft, and inclining to white
9 oonn
on the belly : the quills are edged with yellow, and the four
outer tail feathers are yellow from the middle to the bafe : the
bill is pale brown, and ftout; and the legs flelh-colour.
The female inclines more to brown.
The Greenfinch is pretty common in Great Britain, and makes
the neft in fome low bufh or hedge, compofed of dry grafs, and
lined with hair, wool, &c. laying five or fix greenilh eggs,,
marked at the larger end with red brown; and is fo careful of her
charge during incubation, that fhe is now and then taken on the
neft. The male takes his turn in fitting. This fpecies foon
becomes tame; even old birds are familiar almoft as foon as
caught: is apt to grow blind, if. expofed to the fun, like the
Chaffinch : flies in troops in winter i lives five or fix years *.
It is alfo pretty common every where on the continent of
Europe-, not very frequent in Ruffia ; and not at all in Sibiria f ;.
which gives reafon to fuppofe that it fhifts' its quarters according
to the feafon. It is fufficiently common both in Cumberland and
Scotland; yet in the firft, it is fcarce ever obferved in the winter
feafon; but the laft week in March becomes plentiful, and
breeds as in other parts of England t .
In the Leverian Mufeum is one quite white.
Le Verdier de la Chine, Son. Voy. Ind. vol. ii. p. 202'.
N O T unlike the laft. The bill greenilh yellow: the head
and neck greenilh grey: back, and wing coverts, light
brown ; thofe on the edge of the wing black : the fecond quills
Place and
D escrip tion.-
• Olina.
t It has however been met with in Kamtfiatka.-----Mr. Pennant.
t Dr, Heyjham.