306 F I N C II,
wool, and lined with hair and feathers. The eggs were four innumber,
of a pale blueilh green, thickly fprinkled near the
blunt end with fmall reddilh fpots. The bird was fo tenacious-
of her neft, as to fuffer herfelf to be taken off by the hand, and
when releafed would not forfake it *.
This fpecies- is known about London by the name of Stone:
Linnaus, Kramer, and others, mention its being very fond of
the feeds of Alder. This we have feen frequently p. for whole-
flocks of thefe birds, mixed with the Silkin, frequent many places,
whert Alders grow, for the fake o f picking the catkins; they generally
hang like the Litmoufe, with the back, downwards, and?
in this ftate are fo intent on their work, that they, may be entangled
one after another by dozens, by means of a twig fmeared?
with birdlime, fattened to. the end of a filhing-rod, or other-
long pole.
This fpecies feems to be in plenty throughout Europe, from
the extreme parts of RuJJia, on the one hand, to Italy, on the
other. Is very common in Groenland, and was alfo met with by.
our late voyagers at Aconalajhka f . In America it is likewife
well known. Hence it feems to be a bird common to the whole
of the northern part of the globe without exception.
* Br. Zed. j; Ellis’s T y . ii. p. 15,
F I N C H. 3°7
La Linotte de Montagna, Sr!/, or*, iii. b. Mjjg 33-—B*f. oof. iv- P- 74-
■ Frifch. pi. 10.
-Mountain Linnet, Rati Sji*. p. 91. A. 4.—Hi!!, or*, p. z6i.—Br. Zool.
N" «33- Pi S3-
Lev. Muf.
76. >
C I Z E of the common Linnet: length fix inches and a
4 D e s c r i p t io n .
° half*. Bill pale : irides hazel: the feathers on the upper
part of the body dulky.; thofe on the head edged with alh-colour,
the others with brownifh red : the rump pale crimfon: the under
parts of the body pale; thofe of the throat and breaft blackiih,
with pale edges;: wings and tail dufky : the tips of the greater
coverts and fecondaries whitilh : legs pale brown.
The female wants the red mark on the rump. In Mr. Pen-
want’s bird there was a pale brown fpot above and beneath each
,eye; and the greater wing coverts edged with white.
F ema l e /
iXa petite Linotte, on le Cabaret, Br i f or*, iii. p. 148. 3a.—Buf. oif. iv.
p. 76.—PI. enl. 485. f. 2.
Twite, Alb in. iii. pi. 74.-— Zool.
Lev. Muf.
V ar. A.
t p H E length of this bird is only four inches and a half.
Bill yellowilh, with a brown tip : the top of the head, and
rump, are both red : over the eyes a rufous band: the upper
parts black, edged with rufous : the under rufous, fpotted with
.blackifh on the throat: the belly white: the legs brown or black:
the claws long, efpecially the hinder one : between the bill and
eye a black brown fpot, and on the chin another.
D e s c r i p t io n*
R r 2 The