196 B U N T I N G .
general like the male: it has not the orange yellow on the head
and throat, nor the black on the fore part of the neck and
breaft: all the tinder parts are grey,- with a flight mixture of
Place. Inhabits St. Domingo.
H PASSERINE B. Emberiza pailerina, Pallas Trav. vol. i. p. 456. N° 10.
Description* C I z E of a Reed Sparrow. Head dirty, ferruginous, a(h-colour ;
^ fome of the feathers on the crown black: behind the eye a
pale ftreak, and on each from the chin a white line : back grey
brown ; the middle of each feather black : the fore part of the
neck black, with the margins of the feathers pale 5 the reft of
the under parts cinereous white, blotched with pale ferruginous
on the fides: wings, for the moft part, ferruginous, with yel-
lowifh margins 1 tail a little forked, blacky the two middle
feathers margined with ferruginous ; the two outer ones are
obliquely black and white, divided longitudinally, the outer feathers
almoft to the bafe, and the laft but one only to the. middle,
but the fhafts are black in both, and dilated towards the tip :
legs pale brown.
The female is like the male, but wants the black head and
Inhabits Rujfia. Seen in great plenty along the Jaick in autumn,
migrating in pairs to the fouth ; is pretty tame; the flefh
accounted excellent.