•»- RICE B.
D e s c r i p t io n*
Place and
> Manners.
Inhabits China, I faw the figure of this among fome Cbincfe
-drawings. -
Emheriza bryzlvora, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 3 ir . 16.
;L*Ortdten de la Caroline, Brif. orn. iii. p. 2S2. '8. pL 15. f. 3.— PI. eni. j88>
f. i.
•L’Ajgripenne, -ou L* Ortolan .de Riz, Buf. oif. iv. p. 357.
Rice Bird«, Oattfb. Car. i* pi. 14.— Edv>. pi. 29*1.—Ar&. ZccL
Br. Muf Lev. Muf
g l Z E - r f a Sparrow : length fix inches three quarters. Bill
dufky : the fore part and fides of the head, all the under parts,,
and the back, are black : the feathers on the head, back, and
thighs, have rufous margins: the back, part -6f the head and
neck are plain rufous, but pale, or rather buif-colour : fcapulars,,
and lefler wing and upper tail coverts dirty white : the reft of
the wing feathers black,, edged with brown : the quills edged
with yeliowifli grey: the tail is black ; in fhape rather forked; aft
the feathers ending in a fharp point; the tips of them brownilh t
the legs brown.
The female is of the lame fize and fo ape, but the general colour
rufous, here and there verging to brown.
This fpecies is migratory, but does not exceed the bounds of
America. Found in Cuba m flocks about September, and from
thence take their departure for Carolina, and fo on to other parts,
flaying in each only fo long as the rice continues green; for when
ripe they will not touch it. Come into Rhode IJland and New
York at the end of April, or the fecond week in May, frequenting
the borders of fields, and live on infefts, &c. till the maize is.
fit for their palate; when they begin by pecking holes in the
fides of the hulks, and after fatiating themfelves go on to another
ther j which leaves room for the rain to get in, and effe&ually
fpoils the plants. They continue there during the fummer, and
breed, returning, as autumn approaches, to the fourhward. They
are 'frequently found mixed -with the Red-winged Oriole, though
not one to ten of the latter ; and are alfo feen with the Blue
Jays. The males and females do not arrive together,, the females
come firft *.
This fpecies is knowri in the country by the names o f Bob Lincoln
and Conquedle ; likewile called by fome the White-backed
Maize-thief; faid to have a fine note f , and is now and then
kept rn a cage for the fake of it.
Agnpenne, ou Ortolan de la Louifiane, Buf. oif. iv. p. 359.— PI. tnl. 38?»
f. 3* Var. A.
g I Z E of the laft. The upper parts of the head,, neck, body, Discretion,
and upper wing coverts, are olive brown : the under parts
pale yellow, paled near the vent : the rump and upper tail
coverts yellow, crofted with fine lines of brown : the greater
wing coverts are black, edged with white : quills the fame, but
thofe in the middle have a great portion of white: the tail ‘feathers
black, and pointed at the ends, as in the laft bird; the
two middle ones are edged with yellow, the others with yellowifh
white : the bill and legs paler than in the laft-deferibed.
This is found in Lauifiana, and is no doubt a mere variety of Place.
the laft fpecies.
* Aman Acad. iv. p. $76. f Kalm.