«04 B U N T I N G.
fhafts of the feathers dufkyj beneath, more inclined to rufous.-,'
bottom of the belly dirty white : the reft as in the male.
Gmelin met with this, at Aftrachan, and on the Ihores-.of the
river Don, among the reeds.
I. believe it- to be the fame bird mentioned in Fallas' travels,
above-quoted s but in the defcription of the laft, the patch of
black on the templesiis not mentioned.. This is alfo found;in the
fine for efts of Sibiria, even the moft northern parts.. Has the
note of a Reed Sparrow,
It is found throughout Sibiria, from the Uralian chain quite to
the Len#3 pretty common but is not in Rujfia> though, fome-
times found in winter about the Cafpian Sea.*.,,
B, .
Le Bruant de Canada, Brif . orn. iii. p. 296. 11. pL 14* ^,Pl * -
La Cul-rouflet, Buf. oif. iv. p. 368.—Ar&. Zool,.,
Br• Muf. Lev. Muf
Description* . C I 'Z .E of the Yellow-hammer : length five inches and'a half.
S Bill pale brown: the upper part of-the head chefhut,-with a
dafh of brown down the middle of each feather:- the reft of the
upper parts the. fame, but more inclined- to ■ grey.:" the rump
wholly grey : upper andund.er tail coverts rufous white ': the under
parts of the body are dirty white, marked With' chefnut fpots:
quills, and. tail,, brown,. edged, with reddilh grey : . legs ■ pale.
Fsm^lb.v .
The. female, is, more inclined to grey..
* Mr,, Petmanl.;
Inhabits America. Comes from the north into N ew Y o r k in
Ma r ch , and frequents the bottoms of the R ed Cedars. Seldom
feen above a.foot from the ground.
LeJBruant bleu de Canada, Brif. orn. ïn. p. 29?. 12. pi. 14-, f- *•
L ’Azuroux, Buf. of. iv. p. 369.
Blue-Bunting,: Aril. ZoqL .
C M A L L E R than the laft': length four inches and a quarter.
3 Bill pale brown: crown dull rufous : the upper parts of the
neck, and body, mixed dull rufous and blue; beneath, the fame,
but the rufous colour pale: greater coverts, quills, and tail,,
brown, with the outer edges rufous: legs pale brown..
Inhabits Canada. ,
L$ Tangara bleu de la Caroline, Brif.'orn. iii. p. 13. 6:
Le Miniftre, Buf. oif iv. p. 86, ,
Blue Linnet, Caiejb. Car. i. pi. 45. Ar&i. Zool..
Lev* Mu/».
C I Z E of a Sifkin : length five inches. Bill deep lead-colour:
^ the whole of the plumage of fine blue,- the top of the head
deepeft : greater quills brown, edged with blue : tail brown,
with a light tinge of blue: legs brown.'.
The jW r differs from the male, as it is much like the Linnet
in colour. The male is like the female in moulting-time, and is
only blue when in full plumage. It may alfo at that time be
known from the female, as the edge of the wing is of a deep
btownilh blue, whereas, in th e female it is greemlh brown.
52. BLUE B.;
D e s c r i p t i o n . .
D e s c r i p t i o n