lour of the plumage red, but the middle of each on the back is
black : quills and tail brown, margined with olive green : legs
grey brown.
The young birds at firft are olive, and do not arrive at the red
colour but by degrees.
It is called at Madagafcar, Foudi lah'e mena.
Loxiaorix, Lin. Mont. 1771. p. 527. — Emberiza orix, Lin. SjJt. 1. p. 309.
N° 7.
Le Cardinal da Cap de Bonne Efperance, Brif. orn. iii. p. 114. N° 21. pi. 6.
f. 3.— Buf. oif. iii. p. 496.— PI. enl. vi. f. 2. (the male i) 134. f. 1.
(the female i)
Grenadier, Edw. pi. 178. — Phil, tranf. vol. lxvi. p. 278. — Miller's Plates,
N° 1.
Br* Mu/. Lev. Mu/.
C I Z E of the laft. The forehead, fides of the head, and chin,
are black: the bread: and belly the fame : the wings brown,
with pale edges j and the reft of the body of a beautiful red colour
: round the knee pale brown: legs pale.
Some of thefe birds want the black on the chin, and may not
unaptly be taken for females.
Thefe are inhabitants of Saint Helena, and are alfo in plenty
at the Cape of Good Hope, where they frequent watery places
where reeds grow, among which they are fuppofed to make the
neft*. After defcribing thefe birds, Mr. Mafon obferves that
* If this be the fame with KolbeiC. Finch, he fays that it;is of a peculiar contrivance,
made with fmall twigs, interwoven very clofely and tightly with
cotton,-and divided-into two apartments and but one entrance (the upper for
the male, the lower for the female) and is fo tight as not to be penetrated by
the appearance of thefe among the green reeds has a wonderful
effeft j for, from the brightnefs of their colours, they appear
like fo many fcarlet lilies.
Le Rouge noir, Buf. oif iii. p. 461. ' V ar^A.
Gros-bec de Cayenne, PI. enl. 309. 2.
'T 'H I S feems to be a trifle larger; but otherwife differs but D e s c r i p t i o n .
very little *■ the colours are the fame, and diftributed in the
fame manner; but has the tail of the fame colour as the
wings, and the knees not differing in colour: however, I think
the two laft to be the fame birds, efpecially as I have one in my
poffeflion, and have feen many, from the Cape of Good Hope, with
the tail as defcribed in this bird.
Loxia Mexicana, Lin. Spft. i. p. 30,0. N° 7. 17.
Le Gros-bec du Mexique, Brif. orn. iii. p. z$6. N° 18. MEXICAN GR.
Avis Mexicana, grandis, rubra ; Pafferis fpecies, Scia, i. p. 101. pl. 65.
f. I.
C O M E W H A T larger than the Havjfinch : length fix inches D e s c r i p t i o n .
and three quarters. The whole body covered with feathers
of a blood-red colour : upper tail coverts blackilh, with a mixture
of red : quills and tail blackilh: the wings reach the middle
of the tail. -
Inhabits Mexico. Place.
any weather. Moll plenty about MofiSel Bank. He adds, that the bird is fcarlet
only in fummer, being in the winter wholly alh-coloured. Hifi. Cap.
vol. ii. p. 153.