a -finall fpot of red on the bread, which only lafts 'for. a time.
The following moult it difappears, and, inftead of it, the whole
under fide is whitilh 5 and the1 male greatly refembles the
It is perhaps this variety, or one greatly refembling it, which
caufed Limueus to fay that the female is blue all over, except the
belly, which is white.
The Spaniards call thefe birds by the name of Maripofa ; the
Englifh, Nonpareil. Will frequently live eight or ten years.
Le quadricolor., Buf. oif. iii. p. 4^7* IS*
Gros-becde Java, Pi. enl. lo i. "f. 2.
^Description. D A T H E R lefs than the laft : length five inches. Bill dufky:
the head, and neck, blue : back, wings, and end of the tail,
green : tipper part of the tail, and its coverts, and the middle of
the belly, red : the bread:, and lower .part of the belly, pale
brown : legs pale flelh-colour.
Place. Inhabits Java. Bujfon draws Albin s Chinefe Sparrow, and the
Gros-bec de Java of Brijon, as fynonyms to this bird ; but thefe
belong to the Malacca Grofbeak. The bird here in queftion
feems much to coincide with the Painted B *. We therefore fup-
pofe fome miftake to have happened, in refpeft to the notes of
this author.
• In the Planches Enlumimes the crown of the head, and back, are gfey : the
■ neck blue; from thence to the vent pale brown, except a broad bar of red on
•the belly juft before the thighs : the upper tail coverts, and bafe of the tail, are
.alio .red; the reft of the tail pale brown; the lhape of it a little cuneiform.
Le Verdier de Java, Brif. orn. iii. p. 198. 57. pi. 7. f. 4.
LeToupet bleu, Buf. oif. iv. p. 179.
THI S is fomewhat lefs than the Hedge Sparrow: length
four inches. Bill lead-colour : the plumage on the upper
parts green ; lower part of the back, and rump, rufous : upper
tail coverts red : the forehead, cheeks, and throat, of a fine blue,
gradually changing into rufous towards the bread:, which, with
the belly, thighs, and fides, are of this lad: colour; but the middle
of the belly is red : the quills are brown, with green edges: the
tail feathers brown, except the two middle feathers, which are
green, and all of them fringed with red : legs grey.
This inhabits Java, and feems to have great affinity to the laft-
Le petit Verdier des Indes, Brif. orn, iii. p, 197. 56.
Le Parement bleu, Buf. oif. iv. p._ 181.
g I Z E of our Greenfinch. Bill greenilh brown: upper parts
of the bird green; the under, white: quills and tail blue,
with white ffiafts : legs black.
Inhabits the Eafi Indies.
I have feen one very like this among fome Chinefe drawings.
The bill was black : the upper parts of the body green : the
chin, and rump, greenilh, but very pale : the under parts dulky
white : legs dulky. Length in the painting only three inches
and a half. And in another fet of drawings, where the throat
and vent were yellow : rump greenilh : bread, and belly,
1 V ol. II. E e