3H F L Y C A T C H E R .
they are faid to be very great deftroyers. Hence, in Kent, are
known by the name of Cherry-fuckers.
They alfo frequent the warmer parts of the European continent.
I believe found nowhere more northward than in our
realms. In the fouthern parts of RuJJia pretty common.
A fmaller variety is found beyond Lake Baikal *.
2. 4- PIED FL.
Mufcicapa atricapilla, Lin. Syft. i. p. 236. 9. — Frifch. pi. 24. — Kram. el.
p. 377-16.
Le Traquet d’Angleterre, Brif orn. iii. p. 436. 27.—Buf. oif. v. p. 222.
Coldfinch, Rail Syn. p. 77. A. 5.— Will. orn. p. 236.—Etlajj. pi. 30,
Pied Flycatcher, Br. Zool. i. N° 135.— ArB. Zool.
Br. Muf. Lev, MuJ\
D e s c r i p t io n . C I Z E of the Whin Chat: length four inches and three quarters..
Bill black: irides hazel: the colours of the bird
F ema l e *
merely black and white: the upper parts of the body, wings, and
tail, are black ; the firft of them inclined to dufky, and the forehead
and under parts white; there is alfo a fpot of white on the
wing, and the outer tail feather is white on the outer web, almoft
to, the end + : the upper tail coverts are black and white
mixed J : the legs are black.
The female is brown where the male is black. It wants the
white on the forehead ; and the under parts are dufky white : the
white on the wings is alfo lefs pure.
* Mr. Pennant•
f Willughifz bird had two of the outer tail feathers white on the margins.
■ X In.fome wholly black.
s This
F L Y A T C H E R.
This is indigenous to England, but I believe nowhere common.
In moil plenty in Torkjhire, Lancajhire, and Derby-
Le Gobe-mouche noir, Brif. orn. ii. p. 381. 13.
H I S is above five inches and a half in length; and differs
from the laft in having a mixture of grey on the upper
parts, the thighs mixed brown and white, and three of the
outer tail feathers white on the margin.
V ar. A.
D e s c r i p t io n .
Le Gobe-mouche noir à Collier,. Buf. oif. iv. p: 520. pi. 25. f. fc
565. f. 2. 3.—Kramer el. p, 377. 16.— Frifcb. pi. 24.
-Pi, enl.
Vaa. B.
T H I S is like the firft; having only the outer tail feather D e s c r i p t io n .
white on the margin, but differs in the white on the neck
paffing quite round it, like a collar. Thefe varieties the lefs fur-
prize us, when we are told that the bird varies in plumage in different
feafons of the year * ; the male only poffeffing the full
black during the fummer j after that, growing, by .degrees, fo
like the female, as not to be known from her. Hence fuch variety
of defcription. and fentiment concerning this bird.
It is met with in Lorraine, and Brie, where it comes the middle P l a c i .
of April. Builds in fome hole of a tree, not very near the
ground. The neft is only a few fibres,, mixed with mofs, covering
the bottom of the hole. The eggs fix in number. The food,
Hiß. des ejf.