D escription.
F emale.
D escription.
are greenilh brown: the back rufous, with a tinge of green: tail
rufous: quills black, edged with rufous: under parts of the body
white, except the breaft, which is of a pale orange-colour: legs
Inhabits Guiana, and frequents the Ikirts of the woods, and the
favannas. It is perhaps a fcarce fpecies, as one only has yet found
its way into Europe.
Le Rabin, ou Gobe-mouche rouge huppe, Buf. oif. iv. p. 547.— PI. ml
6 7 S . f t t .
T E N G T H five inches and a half. The bill is brown: the
® crown of the head is furnifhed with a remarkable rounded
creft, not unlike that of the Rock Manakin, and ending on the
nape : the creft, fides of the head, and all the under parts, are of
a moft beautiful crimfon: the reft of the body, wings, and tail,
brown; but the quills have grey edges: the legs are reddifh.
The female has no creft: the colour of her much lighter; and,
inftead of the crimfon, thofe parts which are fo in the male, are
only tinged with that colour.
Thefe inhabit the borders of the Amazons River, in South America.
and are known there by the name of Putillas.
Le Gobe-mouche roux de Cayenne, Buf. oif. iv. p. 549.—P I ml. 453. f. 1.
C I Z E of a Houfe Sparrow: length five inches and a half.
Bill ftout, fhort, (feven lines long) and dulky: the upper
parts of the body are of a glowing pale rufous colour: quills
black: on the top of the head is a fpot of brown : the under
parts wholly white, with a tinge of rufous: legs dulky.
Le Gobe-mouche roux de Cayenne, Brif. orn. Supp. p. 51. pi. 3. ft 3.
C I Z E of the Crefted Lark: length eight inches and a quarter.
Bill more than an inch and a quarter long, befet with briftles
at the bafe; the upper mandible dulky, the under grey: the
head, hind part and fides o f the neck, deep alh-colour : the feathers
or the crown have dark lhafts; thofe of the back rufous
brown : throat and fore part of the neck alh-colour,, margined
with whitilh: rump, upper tail coverts, and breaft, bright rufous:
from thence to the vent the fame, but paler: wings as the back,
the feathers edged with rufous, or rufous brown : tail bright rufous
: legs brown.
Inhabits Cayenne. One of thefe, in the colle&ion of Major
Davies, has the belly of a yellowiih. white.
Gobe-moucheron, Buf. oif. iv. p. 594.
Le petit Gobe-mouche tachete de Cayenne, PI. m l 831. ft 2..
• T H I S is a very minute Ipecies, meafuring fcarcely three
inches in length. The bill is long in. proportion, a little
curved at the point, and dulky : the head, and hind part of the
neck,, are rufous, fpotted with black: the back and wing coverts
deep alh-colour, with greenilh edges: wings black, edged with
grey: all the under parts ftraw-colour : tail Ihort, and black::
the fcapulars and rump are of a pale alh-colour: under the eye
a pale ftreak : the legs flelh-colour..
D escription«.
D escription.