6S-. •
changeable violet-blue, which has the luftre of polilhed metal r
on the wing coverts are two feathers which have a white band r
the thighs are white on the infide, and deep blue without: legs,
Inhabits China*
Le Merle violet a ventre blanc de Juida, Buf. oif. Hi. p. 402*— M. 648. f. f.
g I Z E of a Lark, or rather lefs : the length fix inches and a.
half. Bill afli-colour: the plumage in general is violet, excepting
the belly, which is white : the legs, are afh-coloured : the
quills are blackilh. The wings, when qlofed, reach three-fourths,
of the length of the tail.
Inhabits the kingdom of Whidah, in Africa.,
be Merle Dominiquain des Philippines, Buf. oif. in. p. 396.— PI. enl. 62ft
f. 2.
the body are brown, marked here and there with a mixture
of violet, or polilhed fteel-colour : the bafe of the tail of this laft
colour, but towards the end greenilh : the head, and all the under
parts of the body, are very light, or brownilh white: the legs
pale brown : the wings are remarkably long in this bird, reaching,,
when clofed, nearly to the end of the tail.
This was brought from the Philippine Jfles by M. Sonnerat.
Le Merle Dominiquain de la Chine, Son. Voy. Ind. vol. u. p. 191* ED THR.
T H I S is a trifle lefs than our Blackbird. The bill is black- D e s c r ip t ion'.
ilh, with a tinge of red and yellow : irides the colour of yellow
orpiment: the head and neck are white, and the feathers
long and narrow : the hind part of the neck, deep cinereous grey:
the back and rump, breaft and belly, the fame, but paler : wing
coverts and leffer quills copper green, gloffed with violet; on the
firft, a white fpot or two: the quills black : the. tail like the
wino- coverts j the under coverts of it white: legs yellow.
The female has the head grey, like the reft of the body, and emale.
the copper glofs on the wings lefs brilliant.
Thefe birds are found in China, where they are called P elites
Le petit Merle de L>Hle de Panay, 1km. r>y. p. 115. pi, 73, S°NGSTBR
of the Eettichaps. Irides -red: the head, neck, back, D e scrip ,t ?oj«.
^ and wing coverts, are of a greenilh black, with a glotfs of both
blue and violet: the feathers on the head and neck differ from the
ireft, in being longer and narrower-: quills and tail black.
This is very common at Manilla, Panay, and almoft all the T « « . . .
Philippine iflands v being often fcen ift flocks of thouftyids t o gether.
’‘It makes the" neft frequently in pigeon:haufes,.■ ■ We the
-Starling-, whence it has obtained that name by many. It has a
■ fine fong, and fo agreeably variegated, -that it has obtained the
ibame of Mvfician.
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