partSj from the bread, ferruginous orange: quills dulky olack : the
tail is greatly cuneiform in (hape, the two middle feathers being
fix inches'and a half long, and the outer ones only two inches and
a half; the four middle feathers are-wholly black; the next on
each fide, half black half white; and the three outer ones wholly
white : legs pale yellow : claws black.
’ Inhabits Pulo Condore. Sonnerat defcribes one very like this
from the coaft of Malabar *. The four middle tail feathers in
his bird were black; the others half black half white.
Le Merle d’Amboine, Brif ora. ii. p. 244. N® 16.— Buf. oif iii. p. 394.
Avicula Amboinenfis cinerea. Seta, rol. i. p. gg. t. 62. f. 4.
C I Z E bigger than a Lark. The head, neck, and upper parts
of the body, are reddilh brown: bread and under parts light
yellow : the prime quills are reddilh brown; the leflbr ones the
fame, half their length from the tip, but from the middle to the
bafe pale yellow : tail, above, reddilh brown; beneath, golden
yellow; the lhape cuneiform.
This inhabits Amboina, and is faid to dng very finely. It is
alfo remarkable for fiirting up its tail quite on the back in the
breeding feafon.
Le Merle de L’lfle de Bourbon, Brif, orn. ii. p. 293. N° 4. pi. 24. f. 3.—
Buf. oif. iii. p. 395,
g I Z E of the lad : length near eight inches. Bill yellowilh :
crown of the head black; the red of the head, neck, and
* Le Gobe-mouche a longue queue de Gingi, Son, Voy. Iod. ii. p. 196.
Vol. II. L bread,
P l a c e .
P l a c e .