234 T A N A G E R.
Le Pafle bleu, Buf. oif. i l l . p. 455.
Moineau bleu de Cayenne, PI, enl. 203. f. 2.
D escrip t ion. g I Z E of a Sparrow : length five inches. Bill dulky : general
colour of the plumage blue: legs reddilh brown.
P l a c e . Inhabits Cayenne. Buffon feems to think it a variety of the
others, but it feems to be a larger bird.
D escription. g I Z E of a Linnet : length four inches and a half. Bill horn-
colour : general colour of the plumage green, very gloffy and
variable, appearing in fome lights blue, and in others brown :
between the ihoulders much darker than the reft ; and towards
the rump pale green : through the eyes a ftreak of black : quills
and tail dulky, edged with green : legs pale.
In the Britijh Mujeum. Native place not mentioned.
Le Tangara varié i tête verte de Cayenne, Brif. urn. Suppl, p. 59. pl. 4. f. 1.
—PI. enl. 33. f. 1.
Le Tricolor, Buf. oif. iv. p. 276.
D escription, g I Z E of an Houfe Sparrow : length five inches and a quarter.
Bill black j the bafe of it furrounded with black feathers :
general colour of the bird green : the head of a pale fea-green :
upper part and fides of the neck green gold : the chin the colour
of the head : on the throat a large fpot of black : the upper
part of the back is alfo black: the lower, and rump, orange
2 yellow:':
yellow: fore part of the neck and bread fea-green, feparated
from the black on the throat by blue : belly, fides, thighs, and
vent, bright yellowifh green : the leffer and middle wing coverts
violet blue : the greater coverts greenifh black, with the outer
margins green : quills much the fame - tail not unlike the quills,
marked with a fmall violet blue fpot on the outer margin near
the tip : the fhape of the tail a little forked : legs lead-colour.
Le Tangara varié à tête bleue de Cayenne, Bref. cm. Suppl, p. 62. pl. 4* ri 2*
— PI. enl. 33. f. 2.
Le Tricolor, Buf. oif. iv. p. 276.
3° * Var, A,
C l Z E of the laft. Bill the fame, and furrounded in the fame D escription.
manner with black at the bafe : forehead of a pale green :
crown of the head and throat violet blue : fides of the head
orange red, palling to the back part of the neck, which is of the
fame colour: the upper part of the back black: reft of the
body green : acrofs the wing coverts a ftripe of yellow : quills
and tail much as in the laft, but the coverts are not blue.
Thefe two birds are, without doubt, the fame, differing only
in fex; but which of them is the male is not afcertained.
Both of them came from C a y en n e * , but the manners quite un- Piace.
» Buffon mentions, that one of the laft is in the cabinet of M. Aulri, and
called Le Pape de Magellan; but it fcarce can be thought that the one came
from the laft,named place, if the other be a native of Cayenne.
H h 2 Le