2.54 f i n c h .
D escription.
Fringjlla petrouia, Lin. Syfi. i, p, 322. N° 30— Frifch. pi. iii.
Le Moineau de bois, Brif. urn. iii, p, 88. <5, pi. 5. f. 1,
La Soulcie, Buf. oif. iii. p.498. pi. 30. f. 1 .— Pl.enl. *23.
Paffer torquatus, Rati Syn. p. 87. 6. t
Ring Sparrow, Will. orn. p. 250.1
Petronia marina, feu Oenantha congener. Will. orn. p. 267.— Rati Syn. 80. 2.
^ J 'H I S is bigger than the Houfe Sparrow: length five inches
and three quarters. Bill ftron'g j the upper mandible
brown, the other pale grey, with a brown tip : the head, and upper
part of the neck and back, dirty grey fpotted with brown :
rump the fame, but not Ipotted : all beneath, dirty grey and
white mixed : the fore part of the neck yellow: round the head,
above the eyes, a ring of dirty white * : the wings not unlike the
back : fome of the coverts, and the fecond quills, white at the
ends : quills, and tail, dufky, edged with grey, and all the feathers,
except the two middle ones, have a white Ipot on the inner
f web, near the tip.
This bird frequents Europe, chiefly Germany, in fome parts of
which It is pretty numerous.
It is alfo found in Italy, and is migratory, except in the
warmer climates, where it frequents woods, and builds in the
holes of trees. Has one brood in a year, and lays four or five
eSSs* At the end o f July collects into flocks, and remains lb
* In the Planches Enluminées, the whole head, above the eyes, is ruffy cream-
colour, furrounded by a ring of black, and beneath that a ring o f white.
t Linnteus fays, the fpot is on the outer webs, and the exterior margin of the
outer one white.
till fpring. In the colder climates fcarce ever feen in numbers
together. Is a tender bird, often being found dead in the hollows
of trees in hard winters. It lives both on feeds and
One very like this was found in Norton Sound, by our late
Le Moineau fou, Brif. orn. iii. p. 87. 5.
Paffer lluitus Bononienfium, Rail Syn. p. 87. 1 uc. pi. in p. 4S*
Foolifh Sparrow, Will. orn. p. 249*
C I Z E of the Houfe Sparrow. Above, rufous grey fpotted with
ruft-colour : over the eye a white ftreak, and a yellowfpot
on the throat: beneath, yellowilh: two bands of white on the
wind's j and a blackilh tail, edged with rufous.
Le Moineau de Bologne, Brif. orn. iii. p. 91, 7.
Paffer maculatus, Rail Syn. p. 87. 3.
Speckled Sparrow, Will. orn. p. 230. 14° 4.
g I Z E of the laft. Bill yellow : hides white : head, and neck,
the fame, marked with yellowilh fpots: back, and rump,
black, white, and yellowilh, mixed : under parts yellowilh white :
quills dulky : tail, and legs, yellowilh.
* Le Moineau de Campagne, ou le Friquet, and le Moineau-a Collier, Brif.
orn. iii. pc 82. 83. feem not to differ effentially from this fpecies.
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