bread, upper parts of the body, and leffer wing coverts, cinereous
olive : belly, fides, and vent, olive yellow : middle of the belly
whitifli: greater wing coverts brown, mixed with pale rufous :
quills brown, edged with pale rufous, except three of the middle
ones, which are plain brown : tail brown, with two tranfverfe
brown bands near the end, one of them paler than the other: the
legs are yellowilh.
Inhabits the IJle of Bourbon.
Yellow-crowned Thrulh, Brown's Illuftr. p. 50. pi. 22*
g IZ E of the common Thrulh. Bill black: crown of the head
and cheeks pale yellow : lower part of the laft bounded by a
black line, extending from the b ill: breaft and belly cinereous;
the firft marked with white and dulky fagittal lines: greater
quills, tail, and legs, dull green.
Inhabits Ceylon and Java, where it is called TJutju crawan. Is
frequently kept in cages, as it imitates, in a very lively manner,
almoft every note that is whittled to it.
Lc Merle des Indes, Brif. orn. ii. p. 248. N° 19. pi. 31. f. 3. — Buf. oif.
iii. p. 397.— PI. ettl. 273. f. 2.
g I Z E a trifle bigger than a Lark : length fix inches and a
half. Bill black : upper parts of the head, neck, and back,
blacl^j lower part of the back and rump alh-colour : fides o f the
head, and all beneath, white : thighs grey : from the bill through
the eyes palTes a ftreak of black: the wing coverts are of a
10 blackifh
blackifh chefnut, but the greater ones are margined with white:
quills blackifh j the greater are white from the bale to the middle,
on the inner webs; thefecondaries white on the outer webs :
the tail is fomewhat cuneiform, but not ftriftly fo j the fix middle
feathers are even, the others fliorten as they are more outward
j the colour of them black, with a little white at the bafe;
the three outer ones white on each fide; the fourth white only on
the margin at the tip : the legs are blackifh.
This inhabits the Eaft Indies, where it is called Herat-boulan.
Le Merle dore de Madagafcar, Brif. cm. ii. p. 247. N° iS. pi. 24. f. 2. —
Buf. oif. iii. p. 398.—PI. out. 539. f. 2.
g I Z E of a Lark: length five inches and three quarters. Bill
black : the fides of the head and the throat are velvet black
the general colour the fame ; but each feather margined with
yellow : quills and tail black j the laft only fixteen lines in
length: the legs black.
This is found at Madagafcar, where it is known by the name
of Saui-jala.
Le Merle olive de St. Domingue, Brif. trn. ii. p. 296. N° 44. pi. 27. f. 2.
— Buf. oif. iii. p. 403—-PI. enl. 273. f. 1.
' J ’H IS is a fmall fpecies : length fix inches. Bill grey brown :
the plumage for the molt part is olive above, and grey
mixed with olive beneath j but the greater wing coverts and
quills incline to brown, and have the outer edges olive, the inner
whitilh : the tail brown ; but the two middle feathers, and outer
L> 2 margins