74- 4- GREATER
F emale.
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Tlie other; with a greenifli bill, the legs black, and a very
forked tail: otherwife like the common Linnet.
One; wholly white, is alfo in the L e v e r ia n Mufeum.
Fringilla cannabiha, Lin. SyJL i. p. 322. 2$'.— Faun. S'itec. 240.— Scop. ann. i.
N° 219.— Kram. el. p• 368. 8.— Brun. N° 263.— Mullery N° 261.-—
FrifcLi pi. 9. f. 1. 2.— Georgi Rei/e, p. 174.
La grande Linotte de Vignes, Brif orn. iii. p. 135,-30.— Buf oij,\ iv. p. 58.
— PI. enl. 485» f. 1.-
Gxeater Red-headed Linnet, Rati Syn. p.91* A. 2.— Will. orn. p. 260.—
Albiri. iii. pi. 72. 75.— Br. Zool. i. N° 131. pi. 55.— Arft* Zool.
Br» Muf.' Lev* Muf'
T ^A TH E R lefs than the common Linnet, and about thé fame
length. The bill is dülky. irides hazel: on the forehead
is a blood-coloured fpot.: the reft of the head and neck afh-
colour: the breaft tinged with a fine rofe-colour: back, wing
coverts,, and fcapulars, bright reddifli brown : the firft quill’
feather black; the exterior and'interior edges of’the eight following
white, forming a bar of white on the wing: the lides are
yellow: middle of the belly white : tail a little forked, dulky,'
edged with white : the legs brown.
The head of the femaie is afh-colöured, fpotted ’with black:
back and fcapulars of a brownilh red: breaft and lides dirty yellow,
ftreaked with dulky lines.
This bird is frequently met with in flocks on the fea -co a jh , and
in flight-time near London-, and is alfo common on the continent
of Europe, like the former, but found more northward th in that
bird, in which parts it breeds It is likewife found in America, .
* I have been told that it chiefly breeds in the northern parts of England
and Scotland, upon the mountains. Dr. Heyjham tells me that it breeds in.
Cumberland• where,
where, I am told, it Ihifts its quarters according to the feafon,
and unites into flocks, in the fame manner as in Europe. I have
a fpecimen received from Hudjon's Bay, which differs in being
of a paler brown.
Fringilla linaria, Lin. Syft. i. p. 322. 29.— Faun. Suec. 241.— Faun. Groin.
p. I2i. 83.— Brun. N° 264.—Muller, N° 262.— Kram. el. p. 369. 9.
— Frifch. pi. 10.— Georgi Rei/e, p. 174.
La petite Linotte de Vignes, Brif orn. iii. p. 138. 31.— Pi. enl. 151. f. 2.
Le Sizerin, Buf. oif iv. p. 216.
Letter Red-headed Linnet, Raii Syn. p. 91. A. 3.— J%ill. orn. p. 260. pi.
46.— Alb. iii. pi. 75.— Br. Zool. i. N° 132. pi. 54.-—Ar£l. Zool.
Br. Muf Lev. Muf
' J ’ H IS is about half the fize of the laft, and is in length five Descriftioh
inches. The bill is dulky: irides hazel: on the forehead is
a rich fpot of purplilh red : the breaft of the fame colour, but
lefs bright: the back dulky, edged with reddith brown : the
lides yellowilh, or alh-colour, marked with narrow dulky lines:
quills and tail dulky, edged with dirty white: on the wing coverts
two whitilh bars : the legs dulky.
The fem a le is lefs lively in colour; has no red on the breaft;
and the fpot on the forehead is of a faffron-co\opr.
This lpecies is alfo common enough in England, but I am
not clear of its building very often in the fouthern parts *. A
neft of this fpecies has been found on an alder (lump, near a
brook, about two or three feet from the ground; the outfide
compofed of dried ftalks, and other plants, intermixed with
* It makes the neft in the mountains of Wales, Barringt. Mifc. p. 217.
Vol. II. R r wool,
F ema le .
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