D e s c r i p t i o n .
D e s c r i p t i o n .
D escription.
F L Y C A T C H E R .
Mufcicapa Canadenfis* Liu. Syfi. i. p. 327. 13.
Le Gobe-mouche cendre de Canada, Brif. ortr* ii.. p. 4°6. 23. pi* 39* 4"
Canada Flycatcher, Artt. Zool.
J ^ E N G T H four inches and a half. Bill grey brown, befet
with briftles at the bafe: crown of the head cinereous,
(potted with black : between the bill and eye a yellow fpot; and
beneath the eye a black one : the upper parts of the plumage cine*
reousthe under yellow, marked with fmall black lpots on the
fore part of the neck : the under tail coverts are nearly white::
wing coverts cinereous, within grey brown: quills and tail, greyifh.
brown, edged with cinereous: legs pale yellow.
Inhabits Canada,
Lev*- Mu/<.
L E N G T H eight inches. Bill flout,, pretty (trait, and black >
bafe furnilhed with briftles : the plumage in general of a yel-
lowilh cinnamon-colour, in different (hades, on the upper parts:
the rump and under parts much paler, almoft yellow: the wing
coverts are tipped with this laft colour, which forms a bar on the
wing: the quills du(ky,,margined with ferruginous-
Inhabits Cayenne ~
T E N G T H feven inches. Bill one inch long,, and brown;.
bafe of it briftly: the upper parts of the plumage of a reddifh
brown: the wing coverts margined with rufous: the quills
brown; the rump yellow: belly and vent buff-colour: tail even
6 at
F L Y C A T C H E R . 35$
at the end, three inches in length, and of the fame colour as the
Inhabits Cayenne, with the laft: Placi .
Mufcicapa Cayancnfis, Lin. Syfl. i. p. 237- l2* 5®*
Le Gobe-mouche de Cayenne, Brif. orn. ii. p. 4°4- 24* P‘ ■ 3®- f* 4- CAYENNE FL.
Br. Muf.
•D A T H E R lefs than a Lark: length above feven inches. Bill D escription.
du(ky, befet with briftles: the top of the head brown; the feathers
down the middle of it yellow at the bafe: from the bill, over
the eye, to the hind head, a ftreak of white : before and behind the
eye a deep brown fpot: all the upper parts of the body brown,
edged with olive: the upper tail and wing coverts brown, with
rufous edges : the chin white: the reft of the under parts yellow:
quills and tail brown, with rufous edges: legs blackith.
Inhabits Cayenne. PtACt.
Mufcicapa tyrannus, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 323. 4. 59* __
Le Tyran a queue fourchue, Brif. orn. ii. p. 395. 20. pi. 39. t. }.— TAILED
PL tnl. 571. f. 2.
Le Savana, Buf. oif iv. p. 557* pi- 26.
Fork-tail Flycatcher, Arcl. Zool.
Lev. Mnf
C I Z E of the Crefted Lark: length fourteen inches. Bill
° black j at the. bafe a few briftles : the upper part and fides
of the head black on the middle'of the crown the feathers are
yellow at the bafe : the hind part of the neck, back, rump, and
fcapulars, cinereous : upper tail coverts black: all the under
parts white: the leffer wing coverts cinereous; the greater
Z z a ' brown ;
D e s c r i p t io n»