102 C 0 L Y .
greatly crefted, fome of the feathers longer than the head itfelf,
and when erefted ftand quite upright, and are pointed in lhape :
the under parts, from the breaft, are dirty white ; near the vent
quite white : the lower part of the back, the rump, and upper
tail coverts, are purple, with a ftripe of pure white the whole
way down the middle : the tail is very long, and cuneiform, as in
the two others, and the (hafts chefnut 5 the two outer feathers
have the outer webs white, and are only an inch and a half in
length : the legs are very (tout, of a fine red colour, and all the
four toes placed forward, as in the Swift-- the claws are likewife
large, hooked, anddulky.
I received two fpecimens o f the above from the Cape of
Good Hope, and it is perhaps only a variety of the others ; but
the fingularity of all the toes being placed forwards is ftriking,
and it would be well to obferve whether it is fo in the others before
deferibed : to know this, the birds lhould he obferved upon
the (pot, or at lead before they are placed in attitude, left the
operator, who cannot be fuppofed to pay regard to what he may
call trivial diftinftions, may deceive the eye .of the naturalift.
Le Coliou rayé, Buf, oif.vt. p. 405.
T E N G T H thirteen inches. Bill black above, whitilh be-
■L/ neath : the plumage above is of a dull grey, with a light
tinge of lilac, which inclines to red on the rump and-taih the
breaft is rufous grey, and the belly rufous -, both tranfverfely
ftriped with brown : the tail is green, and greatly cuneiform,
like that of the others j the two middle feathers are eight inches
and a half.in length.
.Found in the neighbourhood o f the Gape of Good Hope.
C O L Y .
t e Coliou de L ’lfle de Panay, Buf. oif. iv. p. 406.-5«»». voj. p, 116. pi. 74.
' J ’H E bill of this fpecies is black: the head crefted: the head,
neck, and upper parts of the body, are cinereous grey, with a
yellowilh tinge: breaft the fame, eroded with tranfverfe lines of
black: the lower part of the belly, and upper part of the tail,
are rufous: the wings reach very little beyond the bafe of the
tail, which is greatly cuneiform, like the others : the legs are of
ajrale flelh-colour.
Inhabits Panay, one o f the Philippine IJlands.
G r s c s