7* Le Gobe-moucfte hupé'de L’Iflë de Böurbony Bri/l^orn» ii. p. 42a."32^.
BOURBON FL. pI. J9. f , 5._ W.
Description. T E S S than the laft: length five inches and a third. Bill grey: head greenifh ,b l, ac,k, glofled with violet: throaty and ■
. ail the under parts;- afh-colour :- back; leffer wing-coverts, and.
tail, pale chefnut; the-fecond and third coverts • are-black ; the
firft tipped with rufous, thé laft with white :- quills black, edged
with chefnut: the rump grey: legs-brawn-.
Peace. . Inhabits the I J k o fB o u r b o v . -
_ B u jfo h fuppofes the pofiibility of thefe'-being one and the fame
fpecies; but in this laft the tail is of a moderate fize, whereas in i
the.firft it is .half the length of the. bird..
P la ce.
Le Gobe-mouche a Collier-du Senegal, Brif. orn. li.' p. 370. 8. pi. 36, f i.
Gobe-mouche a Gorge brune da Senegal, Buf* eif.,iv.-p. 333.
---------- --------- ----- rouJTe, PI. enl. 567. f. 3.
g I Z E of the firft fpecies-: length-four inches--and-three
quarters. Bill black: the head, and all above, to the rump,:
deep afh-colour: throat, and fore -part - of the neck, brownifh,
chefnut 5 the lower part of this is bounded by a tranfverfe black,
line: breaft and under parts white: thighs-dufky and white,
mixed: wings- black; acrofs the coverts a white band: quills,
black, edged with grey: tail black; ..all but the two middle fea-,
thers tipped with white; the outer one white on the outer web :
legs cinereous : claws brown,,
Inhabits Senegal*|
le v i,
Lev* Mitf.
C I Z E of the Coldfinch: length four inches and 'a half. Bill
dulky: forehead, -and fides of the head, black, ending in a
point behind each eye : the reft of the upper parts of the plumage
brown : the chin, and throat, yellow : belly olive brown :
tail the fame, except the two middle feathers, -which are plain
brown : -legs black.
L E N G T H four inches and a half. Bill black, befet wit-h- a
few hairs at the bafe: the plumage above, cinereous grey;
beneath, white: the two middle tail feathers are black; the
others black and white, divided obliquely ; the outer feather
nearly all white : legs black.
From the Cape o f Good Hope.
In the colle&ion of Sir Jofeph Banks*
-Le Gobe-mouches de Pondichéry, Son. Voy.Ind. vol. ii. p. 19S.
A Little bigger than a Sparrow. Bill black : the head deep
cinereous grey: over the eye a ftreak of white, palling al-
moft to the hind head : the neck behind, the back, wings, and
tail, like the head : the wing -coverts -tipped with a triangular
white fpot : all the tail feathers, except the two middle ones,
grey half-way from the bafe; the reft of their length white; as
D e s c r i p t io n .
D e s c r i p t io n .
i i .
D e s c r i p t io n.