m s m m m
Le Gris-oliv®, Buf\ oif. iv. p. 277.
Tangara olive dela Louifiane, PL enl. 714. f. u
O I Z E of the White Throat : length five inches. Bill black:
the forehead and between the eyes grey: colour of the upper
parts greyilh olive; of the under, grey: wings dufky black, edged
with grey; the quills darkeft: tail as the quills: legs duflcy
Inhabits Guiana, and is alfo found in Louijiana.
PARAcisE T . TanaSra tatao* Li” - SyJ1- >• P- 3 IS- N° ” •
Le Tangara, Brif. orn. iii. p. 3. N° 1. pi. 1. f. I .— PI. eul. N° 7. f. I.—
127. f. 2.— Raii. Sjrn. p. 84. 13.— Will, orn. p. 243.
Le Septicolor, Buf. oif. iv. p. 279. pi. 13.
Titmoufe of Paradife, Eduv. pi. 349,
Br. Muf. Lev. M uf
D escription. C O M EW H A T lefs than a Goldfinch : length near fix inches.
Bill black : the upper part and fides of the head yellowifh
green ; the feathers fm^ll, and fcem diftindt from each other : the
hind part o f the head and neck, the upper part of the back, and
fcapulars, of a velvety black : the lower part of the back and
rump of a bright fire-colour, verging to orange towards the
tail : the throat and fore part of the neck gloffy violet blue:
bread:, belly, fides, and vent, fea-green : thighs dull green :
the lefler wing coverts green golds the middle ones blue; and
the greater violet blue: the quills black, with blue margins :
the fecond quills, tail *, and legs, black.
# In PI. enl. vii. f. 1. the tail is green and red ; but this was copied from a
Specimen which had a falfe tail added to it, and is not therefore to be regarded.
Hifl. dee oij.
The females, and young males, differ from the above deferip-
tion, as they have not the fiery colour on the lower part of the
back : the male gains this at a mature age, but it is ever wanting
in the female, as that part is wholly of an orange-colour, and in
general the whole plumage is lefs brilliant; not but both males
and females vary much, as fome of them have been of a bright
red both on the back and rump, while others have thofe parts
wholly of a golden yellow.
This mod beautiful fpecies is pretty common about the inhabited
parts of Guiana. It appears in large flocks in the neighbourhood
o f Cayenne firft about September, and frequents a
particular large tree, which is juft then in flower, and as foon as
the fruit fets, begins its depredations thereon ; it generally flays
fix weeks, and then pafies elfewhere, but returns again in April
and May, at which time the fruit ripens : it is about this tree
alone that it is found, for it does not frequent others. Thefe
birds may be kept in a cage; will feed on bread and meal-, are
faid to have no fong, but only a fhort and lhrill note.
Le Tangara a gorge noire, Buf \ oif iv. p. 283. ^
—------ ■ ■ . .. olive a gorge noire de Cayenne, Pi. enl. 720. f. 1.
JT E N G T H five inches. The upper mandible black; the
under grey: the head and upper parts of the body olive
green : the throat black : the breaft orange-colour : fides of the
neck, and all the under parts of the body, of a fine yellow : the
wing coverts, quills, and tail, brown, edged with olive : the legs
Inhabits Guiana.
F ema l e .
Place an»