Inhabits New Spain, where it is called Tolocatzanatl, or Rujh
Starling. As this is not a well-defined fpecies, it may perhaps
prove the brown-headed Oriole of our firft volume *.
Le Cotinga da Mexique, Brif. orn. ii. p. 347. N- 4,
Le Cacaftotl, Buf. oif. iii. p. 195.
Caxcaxtototl, Raii Sjn. p. 167. N“ 16.
Cj lZE of a Starling. Bill black: general colour blue, varied
with black : the head is fmall: the eyes are black : and the
irides luteous.
This inhabits the more temperate parts of South America, fuch
as Mexico, and its neighbourhood. It has little or no fong. Like
the iaft, it is a very doubtful fpecies.
• P. 446. N° 3.8.
G enus
G e n u s XXXI. T H R U S H .
N° x. Miffel Thr.
2. Throttle.
3. Guiana Thr.
4. Jamaica Thr.
5. Little Thr.
6. Golden-crowned Thr.
7 . Red-wing 'T'hr.
8. Aoonalafbka Thr.
9. Barbary Thr.
10. Tripoli Thr.
11. Fieldfare.
Var. A . B. C.
12. Red-breafted Thr.
13. Spotted Thr.
14. Kamtfchatka Thr.
15. Tawny Thr.
16. Brown Thr.
17. Yellow-backed Thr.
18. Variegated Thr.
19. Cayenne Thr.
ao. Pagoda Thr.
21. Malabar Thr.
22. Rufous-tailed Thr.
23. Red-tailed Thr.
24. Dark Thr..
25. Red-necked Thr.
N° 26. White-browed Thr.
27. Pale Thr.
28. Reed Thr.
Var. A.
29. Red-legged Thr.
30. Thick-billed Thr.
31. Bay Thr.
32. Crying Thr.
33. Chinefe Thr.
34. Crefcent Thr.
35. New Holland Thr.
36. Black-faced Thr.
37. Philippine Thr. •
38. Surat Thr.
39. Pacific Thr.
40. Sandwich Thr.
41. FerruginousThr.
42. Mimic Thr.
43. Mocking Thr..
Var. A.
44. St. Domingo Thr.
45. Yellow-bellied Thr.
46. Blackbird.
Var. A. White-headed BL
------B. Pied Bl.
•------C. White Bl.
N° 47.