284 F I N C H .
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D escription.
coverts : the ends of fome of the quills half black, and tipped
with white : legs white.
That in the Leverian Mufeum has the parts which are ufually
red, of a very pale red, a little glofiy. Brijfon alfo fays he has
feen birds of this fort.
Buffon mentions one with a black head : the red parts very
pale: the under parts greyilh white : the wing coverts pale olive:
the yellow of the wings as ufual: wings, and tail, white : bill,,
and legs, reddilh white.
This was caught at large.
There is one alfo in the Leverian Mufeum wholly white ; and
another all white, except the crown of the head, which is mottled
with red, and a crefcent of the fame under the throat : the
wings yellowilh.
Le Chardonneret near, Brif. era. Hi. p. 60. F. pi. 4. f. j , — Buf. oif. iv.
p» 205. N° 7.
Lev. Mu/.
G E N E R A L colour black, except four of the middle quills,
viz. from the fourth to the ieventh, brimftone-coloured on
the outer edge, and white within, from the bafe to.the middle :
bill, and legs, whitilh.
Goldfinches entirely black are not uncommon; fome have the
appearance of red about the head, others not. Of the firft of
thefe is one in my colleftion, which had been a caged bird, and
gradually became of that colour *.
• This had bemp-fetd for its ufnal food. Buffon mentions one that changed
hlack all at once, after being four years in a cage. It kept fo for eight months,
Le Chardonneret noir a tete jaune, Bri/. orn. iii. p. 61« G. — Buf, oif. iv* V ar . G.
p. 207. N° 8.
Cardueli congener, Rait Syn. p. 90. 2.
A bird of kin to the Goldfinch, Will. orn, p. 257.
A T H E R bigger than a Goldfinch. The bill furrounded
with a faffron-coloured ring: the reft of the head, and upper
parts, blackilh: breaft greenilh black: belly, and under
parts, brownifh afh-colour: edge of the wing greenilh black:
quills black, with more white than common in them : the ufual
yellow parts merely yellowilh : quills black.
This is, without doubt, a mere variety of the Goldfinch. Ray
fulpe&s the * fame.
Le Chardonneret mulet, Brif. orx. iii. p. 62. H.
‘ -----métis, Buf. o if iv. p. 207.
Cànary Goldfinch, Albin, iii. pi. 70. /?.
Lev. Muf.
'J 'H I S is rather larger than the common: the head is not unlike
that bird, but lefs bright: the upper parts of the body
yellowilh brown ; the under parts yellow : wings like the Goldfinch,:
tail yellow, tipped with black.
This arofe from the two mixtures mentioned by Alhin.
when it began to refame its former colours ; and this circimftance happened
three times. - An eleftrified Goldfinch loft the red of the head, and yellow on
the wings, fix months after. — Hiß. da oif. from Klein.
* Forte fpurium aliquod genus eft.
D escription»
V ar. H.
D escription«