hairs : the tongue half the length of the bill, and jagged at the
end i the feathers on the head lhort and pointed : the plumage on
the upper parts of the body pale olive brown :- over the eye a
pale yellowifh ftreak : wing coverts and quills-margined with pale
yellow : the rump much inclined to yellow; all the under parts
of the body pale brimftone : the tail much rounded in fhape; the
two middle feathers are brown, with pale ends; the others
dufky yellow, with pale fhafts : the legs are dufky flelh-colour :
the toes long; the hind claw large.
This inhabits the illand of Eimeo.
Some of thefe birds, in the poffeffion of Sir Jofeph Banks, faid
to have come from York IJland, had a greater mixture of palifh
buff on the wing coverts, and were alfo mottled with dufky and
buff throughout. It is molt likely that thefe were young
Le Merle du Senegal, Brif. orn. il. p. 261. N° 26. pi. 22. F. 2.
Le Merle burn du Senegal, Buf. oif. iii. p. 385.— PI. ml. 565. f. 1.
y ESS than a Redwing : length eight inches. Bill brown : the
general colour of the plumage grey brown j except the
belly, fides, thighs, and under tail coverts, which are dirty
white: quills, tail, and legs, brown.
Inhabits Senegal.
le Tanaombe, Buf. oif. iii. p. 386.—PI. enl. 557. f. 1. LE1S than the Redwing : length feven inches and a quarter.
Le Merle de Madagafcar, Brif. orn. ii. p. 274. N° 33. pi. 23. f. 1.— D° ou
Bill black j bafe befet with bridles : head, neck, back, and
fcapulars, brown : rump greenifh brown: bread: and fides rufous
brown }
brown : belly, thighs, and vent, white : quills blackifh; from the
fecond to the fixth, part white part violet on the outer webs;
the fecondaries black mixed with violet and green, and fome of
the inner ones gloffed with a gilded rufous-colour : the two
middle tail feathers green gold ; the others dufky, with the outer
margins green gold : the outermoft feather is white on the exterior
margin, and the two next fringed with white : the fhape of
the tail fomewhat forked : legs black.
This inhabits Madagafcar, and is called Tanaombe.
Le Merle de Mindanao, Buf. oif. iii. p. 387.— PI. enl. 627. F. I.
T ENGTH feven inches. Bill lead-colour: head, neck, upper Description.
pafts, and tail, fteel blue : the bread, and under parts,
white: on the wing, near the edge, is a longitudinal band of
white; the greater coverts and part of the fecondaries being of
that colour : the tail is fomewhat cuneiform in fhape : the legs
are brown.
Brought from Mindanao by M. Sonnerat.
A bird of this kind had the greater quills tipped with deep
changeable green, and fome fpots of gloffy variable violet in fe-
veral parts of the body, efpecially at the hind part of the
1 HR.
Le Merle vert d e l’Ifle de France, Buf oif. iii. p. 388.— PI. enl. 648. f. 2.
m a u r i 't iu s
t h r .
T^ESS than-the Redwing: length feven inches. Bill afh-co-
- -loured: the plumage. is wholly of a deep greenifh blue
throughout: the feathers of the head and neck are narrow, and
longer than the others: the legs are lead-coloured.
Inhabits, the IJle of France.
Description. .
Turd ns