220 T A N A G E R.
with a greenifh line, which runs down from the middle: tail
paleft towards the tip : legs cinereous, inclining to violet.
Inhabits Mexico, and is probably a further variety.
Mufcicapa rubra, Lin. Syji. i. p. 23,6. N“ 8.
Le Gobe-mouchc rouge de la Caroline, Brif. orn. ii. p. 432. 37.
Le Preneur des mouches TOuge, Buf, oif. iv. p. 585.
Summer Red Bird, Catefb. Car. i. pi, 56.— Edvj. pi. 239,— Arft. Zool.
Description. Little bigger than an Houfe Sparrow : length fix inches and
three quarters. Bill yellowilh, and rather flout: eyes large,
and black : the whole bird of a beautiful red, or fcarlet, except
the tips of the quills, which are of a dufky red: legs dufky.
The female is brown, tinged with yellow.
Inhabits Carolina and Virginia in the fummer.
Le grand Tangara, Buf oif. ir. p. 239. pi. i i •
T angara des grands Bois de Cayenne, Pt. enl. 205 ►
Lev. Muf.
Description. O I Z E of a Thrufh : length eight inches and a half. Bill three
quarters of an inch long, flout, brown: upper parts of the
body olive brown : forehead and fides of the head blue : over the
eye a ftreak of white : on each fide of the under mandible
a black ftreak, like a whifker : throat red j in the middle of the
red a fpot of white: the reft of the under parts pale red: vent
and thighs as deep as the throat: quills and tail like the upper
parts,, but paler on the edges; the lafl three inches in length:
legs blue.
This inhabits the thick woods about Cayenne and Guiana, and
fometimes approaches inhabited and more open fpots, perching
on the bullies. The male and female are generally together, and
are very like in colour : they live on fmall fruits and infedts:
are called Olive Birds at Cayenne.
I obferve one of thefe in the Ltverian Mufeumy which was of a
dark afh-colour on the breaft.
Tanagra Criflata, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 317. 24.
Le Tangara noir hupe de Cayenne, BriJ\ orn. Sufp. p. 65. N° 33. pi. 4.
f- 3-
La Houppette, Buf. oif. iv. p. 240.— PI. ml. 7. f. 2. Sc 301. f. 2.
C I Z E of a Houfe Sparrow: length fix inches and a quarter.
Bill black : the head crefted; the creft orange-colour : chin,
lower part of the back, and rump, pale buff-colour: edge of the
wing, for one inch from the bend, white : a ftreak of white on
the fcapulars : the reft of the plumage black: legs lead-colour.
This fpecies feems to vary. That in the PI. enl. 301. has the
creft eredled, and appears ftriped with orange and black: it
wants the buff fpot on the chin : the outer edge of the wing yellow
inftead of white j and the white on the fcapulars is not a
line, but a large fpot on the upper part of them : the fides of the
vent are ferruginous: the bill and legs brown: otherwife like the
In a fpecimen at Major Davies’s, the vent is white, and the fpot
under the chin wanting.
Inhabits Guiana, where it is common, and lives on the leffer
kinds of fruits : the note like that of a Chaffinch: it is found only
in the more open places.
D e s criet ioj j .