ao2 B U N T I N G .
D escription.
P lace.
i 4«-
D e s c r i p t io n.
P l a c e .
49' .
D e s c r i p t io n.
Aoonalalhka Bunting. At:i> Zcol.
J ^ E N G T H fix inches. Bill dufky: the upper parts of the
body brown} each feather dalhed down-the lhaft with darker
brown : at the noftrils arifes a ftreak of yellow, which, pafles over
the eyes to the hind head ; and from the gape is a dark one, ,
palling under the eye: fides of the head, between the ftreaks,
dufky: the under parts of the body dulky white, dalhed with'
brown.: the middle of the belly plain dufky white: quills dulky
brown, with paler edges : tail brown: legs dulky.
This was met with at Aoonalajhka, and Sandwich Sounds by our
late voyagers. A, fpecimen is now in the col left ion of Sir Jofephi
j^ E E fG T H leven inches.. Upper parts of the-body, and’1
tail,, plain brown} with a rufous-tinges the under parts dulky
white, dafhed with blaekilb, as int-he laft-defcribed: the middle
o f the belly plain dulky white.
Brought from Aoonalajhka with the l*ft.-
Black-crowned Bunting, Arfi. Z00L ?
Lev. Muf.
T E N G T H-feven inches. Bill rather fhorr,. dulky r crowrr
of the head of-a fine yellow : forehead, and through the eye,
black, palling to the-hind-head,-which is.afh-coloured: the upper
parts of the body are reddilh brown, marked down the middle of
each feather with dark brown r coverts and quills fringed on the
edges with a paler colour: rump pale olive brown:- chin dirty