356* F L Y C A T C I I E R.
brown : quills brown, the inner margins * white: tail black,
greatly forked, the outer feather being nine inches and a quarter
long, the middle ones not two; all of them are black, but the
outer one has the exterior web white for half its length from the,
bafe : the legs are black.
In fome birds the yellow on the crown is wanting, and theft;
are juftly fuppofed to be females.
This fpecies inhabits Canada and Surinam f .
Le Moucherolle a Queue fourchue da Mexique, Buf. oif. iv. p. 564.-^
PI. enl. 677.
Description* I G G E R than a Lark in the body: length ten inches, of
which the tail is five. The bill is ftrait, eight lines long,
compreffed, and weak; the colour of it black: irides red: the
head and back are light grey, with a little tinge of red : the under
parts of the body white ; beneath the wing red ; and when
clofed, a little of this colour appears juft above the bend of i t :
the leffer wing coverts are alh-colour, with pale edges, giving the
appearance of feales; the greater Coverts marked in the fame
manner, but blackilh: the quills black, edged with grey: the
tail is greatly forked, the outer feather is five inches long, and
the middle ones but two; thefe are all black, edged with rufous
grey; but the outer ones have the exterior webs white for half
their length : the legs are black. :
Some of thefe birds have the tail much Ihorter.
Place* Inhabits Mexico.
* The outer margins are aHo white in Come birds.
'j' The Canadian one has black temples, and a cinereous b.ack; but in that
from Surinam, the body is black. Lin.
F L Y C A T C H E R. 357
Mufcicapa crinita, Lin. Syjf. i. p. 32c. 6.
Le Gobe-mouche hupe de Virginie, Brif. 'orn. ii. p. 412. 28.—PI. enl.
569. f. 1.
Le Moucherolle de Virginie, a huppe verte, Buf. oif. iv; p. 565.
Crefted Flycatcher, Catejb. Car. i. pi. 52.— ArSl. Zool.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf.,
C I Z E of the Crefted Lark: length eight inches. Bill black, D e s c r ip t ion.
briftly at the bafe : irides hazel: the head is crefted, and of a
dull green : hind part of the neck and back the fame : wing arid
tail coverts brown : the bnder parts, from the chin to the breaft,
alh-colour; from thence to the vent yellow: quills and tail
brown; the edges of the firft chefnut, and the fide feathers of the
laft the fame within : the legs are black.
This inhabits Carolina and Virginia in fummerj builds there,, Place.
and departs in autumn.
I.e Tyran de Cayenne, Brif. orn. ii. p. 398. 21.—Buf. oif. iv. p. 581.. .6z.
g I Z E of the Red-backed Shrike, or a trifle bigger: length Description.
- feven inches. Bill brown ; about the bafe of it, and noftrils,
are long hairs: the head, hind part of the nfeck, and from thence
to the tail, deep brown: from the chin to the breaft afh-
coloured; from thence to the tail pale yellow: thighs olive
brown: the wing coverts deep brown; the greater ones edged,
with olive: quills and tail o f the fame colour: legs blackilh.
The female differs in being paler. Female.
Inhabits Cayenne. It feems by the defcription to be very, like Place;
the laft.