P lace.
neck, breaft, and upper parts of the body, olive green: throat,
belly, and vent, yellow : over the eye a yellow ftreak : quills
brown, edged with olive green: tail the fame, except the two
middle feathers, which are wholly olive green : legs' brownilh
Inhabits the Cape of Good Hope.
Le Gros-bec jaune da Cap de Bonne Efperance, Brif or«, iii. p. 227. N° 3,
pi. 11. f. 2.
D escription. g O M E W H A T Iefs than the laft. Bill the fame colour:
F emale.
head, hind part of the neck, and back, olive green, dalhed
with brown : rump plain olive green : under parts of the body
full yellow : on each fide of the head a band of yellow, which
pafifes over the eye : quills and tail brown, with olive green
edges; the laft fomewhat forked : legs grey.
The female is lefs brilliant in colour.
Place* Inhabits the Cape of Good Hope,
42. 4- V ar. A.
D escription. Jj^EN G T H five inches. Crown o f the head,.breaft, and up-
• per parts of the body, of a bright olive green, paleft on the
rump : hind part of the neck alh-colour, palling forwards on
each fide to the chin, where it ends in a point: the belly and
vent yellow; between the legs white: quills black, edged with
yellow : tail dulky green, with the outer edges of the feathers
yellow, and down the lhafts black ; the lhape forked : legs
grey brown.
This feems a variety of the laft. I received it from the Cape
o f Good Hope.
Le noir-fouci, Buf, oif. iv. p. 150.
g I Z E of a Sparrow: length feven inches. The bill blackilh,
Ihort, ltrong, and convex; the under mandible paleft : the
noftrils are round, placed at the bafe, and perforated : the head,
and upper part of the neck, are blue; of the body blackilh.: the
throat, fore part of the neck, and breaft, of the colour of a Marigold:
the belly, and vent, brimftone-colour: quills, and tail,
blackifh, edged with blue : legs reddilh : the middle and outer
toe united as far as the firft jo in t: the hind claw largeft; all of
them lharp, bent, and channelled.-
Inhabits Buenos Ayres; found there in September; frequents
cultivated places and gardens; feen only by pairs. The male and
female much attached to each other. Feeds both on grafs and
Loxia Flavicans, Lin. SjJt. i. p. 303. N° 19.-—Aman. acad. iv. p. 244.
g I Z E of a Canary-bird. Bill Ihort and thick, the bafe going
far back on the forehead : head, neck, breaft, belly, and vent,
yellow : top of the head the fame, but paler : back, wings, and
tail, greeniih yellow; bend of the wing deep yellow: quills
and tail margined with yellowilh : legs pale : hind claw
Inhabits Afia.
D escription-.
D escription.