D escription.
P l a c e .
O bservation.
Loxia ftriata, Lin. Syfi. i. p, 306. N° 37.
Le Gros-bec de l’lfle de Bourbon, Brif. orn. iii. p. 243. N° li* pi. 13. f. 4.—
PI. enl. 153. f. 1.
O T much bigger than a Wren : length three inches two-
thirds. Bill dulky: head, and upper part of the body,
brown, with adafli of paler rufous brown down each lhaft: throat,
and fore part of the neck, blackifh : from the bread: to the vent
white : quills and tail blackilh brown : legs blackilh.
Found in the JJle of Bourbon.
Loxia pun&ularia, Lin. Syfi. i. p. 302. N° 18.
Le Gros-bec tachete de Java, Brif. orn. ml p. 238. N° 9. pi. 13. f. 2.— PL
enl. 139. f. 1.
Chinefe Sparrow, Albin. ii. pi. 53.
Gowry Bird, Edvo. pi. 40.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf,
L E N G T H four inches and a quarter.- Bill dulky: fore
part of the head, and lides, throat, and fore part of the
neck, chefnut: hind part of the head, and reft of the upper
parts, rufous brown ; the rump feathers edged with grey : bread
and lides dulky, marked with cordated white fpots : middle of
the belly, and vent, white : legs dulky.
Inhabits the ifland of Java.
The five laft defcribed, are by Buffon fuppofed to belong to each
other, either as varieties or fexual differences; but how, he does
not determine; he thinks it however probable, that the males
are thofe whofe bellies are Ipotted, and the females the plain-
bellied ones.
Loxia pyrrhula, Lin. Syjl. i. p. 300. N° 4.— Faun. Suec. 22;.— Scop. an. i.
N° 202.—Brun. 240, 241.—Muller, p. 30. N° 247__Kram. el. 365.
3*—Fri/ch. i. pi. 2.'—Qlin. uc. pi. in p. 40.— Georgi Reife, p. 174.
Le Bouvreuil, Brif. orn. iii. p. 308. N° 1.— Buf. oif. iv. p. 372. pi. 17._
PI. enl. 145.
Bulfinch, Alp, or Nope, Raii Syn. p. 86. A — Will. orn. 247. pi. 44.—
Albin. i. pi. 39, 60.— Br. Zoo!, i. N° 116.— Ar£l. Ziml.
Br. Muf. Leu. Muf.
H PH I S bird is fo generally known, that it needs only to fay,'
that the head, wings, and tail, are black : bread and belly
red : the upper tail coverts and vent white: and the bread alh-
The female differs in having the under parts of a reddilh
; This fpecies is pretty common in England; and makes the neft
in the bu(hes,.five or fix feet from the ground; it is compofed
chiefly of mofs ; and the eggs, which are five or fix in number,
are dirty blueilh white, marked at the large end with dark
fpots. The time of breeding about the end of May or beginning
of June. .
In the fummer it moftly frequents woods, and the more retired
places; in winter approaches gardens and orchards, making
havoc among the buds of trees.
Both male and female may be taught to whiftle many tunes;
but in their wild date have only a plain note, two or three times
repeated, and at times the words tui, tui, both far from difagree-
able; in neither cafe what may be called a fong. It will frequently
learn to articulate feveral words ; but' I find this to be
taught in Germany, from whence fuch birds are annually imported
into London. From the account of authors, it feems to
9 be
D escription*
F e m a l e .
Place and-