D escription.
Inhabits Senegal. The four laft feem much allied to each
other; but as they differ in fome particulars, as well as inhabit
different regions, it is not fit that conjecture alone fhould place
them as varieties only.
Fringilla Torquata, Miller's Plates, N° 50.
|~ ^ E N G T H fix inches and a half. Bill flender j duiky
black : head, neck, and back,'reddilh 5 the laft inclining to
brown : rump pale blue : acrofs the, throat a narrow crefcent of
black, bounded below with yellow : quills black ; the ends of
them blue, with a white fpot at the tip of each: tail and legs
Inhabits the Eajl Indies.
" D I L L blueilh : head, hind part of the neck, upper part of the
back, and tail, black: cheeks, chin, and the reft of the
under parts, light yellow : vent yellow : wings black; on the
coverts a white fpot; the fecondaries croffed at the ends with
white : lower part of the back, and thighs, green : legs grey.
From Ceylon *.
* Mr. Pennant•
Gin us
G e n u s XXXVIII. F L Y C A T C H E R .
° 1. Spotted FI.
2. Pied FI.
Var. A.
Var. B.
Var. C.
3. Cape FI.
Var. A.
4. Black and white FI.
Var. A.
5. Senegal FI.
Var. A.
6. Crefted D°.
7. Bourbon FI.
8. Collared FI.
9. Black-fronted FI.
10. White-tailed FI.
11. Coromandel FI.
12. Spotted Yellow FI.
13. Alh-coloured FI.
14. Madagafcar FI.
15. Undulated FI.
16. Indian FI.
17. Rufous-vented FI.
18. Tufted FI.
Vou II.
N° 19. Red-vented FI.
Var. A. Yellow-vented
20. Guava FI.
21. Yellow-breafted FI.
22. Green FI.
23. Wreathed FI.
24. Grey-necked FI.
25. Yellow-necked FI.
26. Flammeous FI.
27. Orange-vented FI.
28. Black FI.
29. Philippine FI.
30. Azure FI.
31. Blue-headed FI.
32. Yellow-throated FI.
33. Fan-tailed FI.
34. Supercilious FI.
35. Olive FI.
36. Luteous FI.
37. Yellow-headed FI.
38. Yellow-fronted FI.
39. Nsvous FI.
40. Red-bellied FI.
T t .. N° 41.