BLACK- Turdus amcapilliu, Lin. Syft. i. p. 295. N° 18.
HEADED THR. Merle à tête noire da Cap de Bonne Efperance, Brif or». Suppl. p. 47.
N°66..pl. 3. f. z*— Buf. oif. iii. p. 388.—PI. enl. 392.
Description. ^ I Z E of the Redwing: length nine inches. Bill black: the
head and part of the ngck are of a gloffy black : back and
fcapulars deep brown : rump and upper tail coverts rufous: the
under parts, from the throat to the vent, are very pale rufous:
the fides croffed with tranfverfe dufky lines : the wing coverts are
brown, fome of them margined with rufous, and others with
white: the quills are deep brown j the nine firft are white at the
bafe, but in the two firft the white only occupies the inner web ;
when the wing is clofed, a white fpot appears : the tail is wedge-
fhaped, and of a blackifh colour ; all but the two middle feathers
have white tips, the white part occupying moft fpace in the
outer feathers : legs brown: claws black.
Place. Inhabits the Cafe of Good Hope.
BRUNET THR. Turdus capenlis, Lin. Syft. i. p. 295. N° 17.
Le Merle brun du Cap de Bonne Efperance, Brif. orn. ii. p. 259. N° 25.
pi. 2. f. 3.
Le Brunet du Cap de Bonne Elperance, Buf. oif. iii. p. 390.
Description. g I Z E of a Lark : length feven inches and a quarter. Bill
black : head, neck, and upper parts of the body, brown ; under
parts the fame, but paler : the belly and thighs have a yellowifh
hue; and the under tail coverts are quite yellow : quills and tail
deep brown : legs black.
Place« Inhabits the Cape of Good Hope.
Merle * Cul. jaune du Cap, Buf. oif. iii. p. 390.— PI. e*l. 3x7.
r p H I S differs from the laft in being fomewhat larger. The
head and throat are black ; the reft of the plumage of the
fame colour with the laft. The bill feems ftronger at the bafe,
and is fomewhat more curved than ufual in this genus.
This is moft likely a mere variety of the other. .
L E N G T H almoft feven inches. Bill of a deep lead-colour,
with a few briftles at the bale: on the forehead a white fpot:
head, neck, and upper parts of the body, very deep lead-colour,
almoft black: under parts dirty yellowifh buff-colour : legs
Met with in Dujky Bay, New Zealand j alfo common in Charlotte
Sound, called by the natives Gha-teitoi. In the colledtion of Sir
J. Banks.
Lev. Muf*
L E N G T H fix inches- Bill black; bafe of it furnifhed with
briftles : the plumage on the upper part of the body is black :
on each fide of the forehead, at the noftrils, a fpot of white :
beneath, from the breaft to vent, white : tail black; all the feathers
a little pointed at the end ; under part of it afh-colour. One of
thefe birds was black on the middle of the belly, which perhaps
was of a different fex.
Thefe are in the Leverian Mufeum, and appear to be varieties
of the laft-defcribed. They came likewife from the South Seas,
but the place uncertain.
Var. A.
Var. A.
T urdus