230 T A N A G E R.
near the bafe : tail the fame as the quills, and a trifle forked :
legs dufky.
In the colleftion of Major Davies, who received it from
Tanagra Mexicana, Lin. Syft. i. p. 315. N° 10. .
Le Tangara bleu de Cayenne, Br if. orn. iii. p. 6. N° 2. pl. I. f. 3*
Tangara tachete de Cayenne, P l. enl. 290. 2.
• ■ ' ■ • diable-enrheume, Buf. o if iv. p. 27.
Teoauhtototl, Rait Syn. p. 170.
Black and blue Titmoufe, Ed<w. pl. 350.
Description, J ^ A T H E R lefs than the Houfe Sparrow : length five inches.
Bill black : the upper part and fides of the head, the throat,
neck, breaffj lower part of the back, and rump, fine blue:
the hind part of the head and neck, the upper part of the back,
and fcapulars, black: the belly, thighs, and vent, yellowifh
white, fpotted with black and blue on the fides, and on the
thighs with black: the upper wing coverts are glofiy blue green;
the greater ones black edged with blue: quills black, fome of
them edged with green, and others with white: tail black : legs
Place. This inhabits Cayenne and Guiana, but is not very common.
The Creoles have given it the name adopted by Buffon. If this
be the teoauhtototl above quoted, it is faid to frequent the
fields and mountainous parts of Mexico-, to have an agreeable
long; and is reckoned good to eat.
Le Tangara bleu des Barbades, Brif. om. iii. p. 8. N° 3.— Buf. o if iv. p. y AZR’ a
282.— P I ml. 155. f. r.
Paffer Americanus, S ita , vol. i. p. 104. pi. 67--N8 3.
C I Z E of an Houfe Sparrow: length five inches and a half. D escription.
^ Bill black: head, throat, fore part of the neck, and bread,
blue : the feathers on the hind part of the neck, back, fcapulars,
and rump, black : the wing coverts black, edged with blue:
upper tail coverts green: belly, fides, thighs, and vent, white -
quills and tail black, with purplilh margins : legs black.
Inhabits CayenneBrijfon fays Barbadoes.
2 5 -
T , , , v e Le Verderoux, Bu f. oiiBj. iv. p„. 2,7,2,» GREY-H^EADED
T E N G T H five inches one-third. The general colour is Descriptiok.
green, more or lefs dark in different parts, except the forehead,
each fide of which is rufous j and above this, on each fide,
a band of the fame, which fprings from the forehead, and paffes
backwards to the nape of the neck: the'head, excepting thefe
marks, is cinereous grey.
This fpecies inhabits, the great forefts of Guiana, where it is Place;
fomewhat rare.
Tanagra Cayana, Lin. S y f. ï. p. 313. N° 8. 26.
Le Tangara vert de Cayenne, Brif. am. iii. p. 21. N° 12. pl. 4. f. 3. HEADiE d ' ^
Le Paffe-vert, Buf. oif. iii. p. 494 ; iv. p. 273.
Moineau à tête rouffe de Cayenne, P l. enl. 201. f. 2. (the male).
Tangara à tête rouffe de Cayenne, P l. enl. 290. f. 1. (the female).«
Br . Muf. Lev. M u f
C I Z E of a Linnet. Bill dufky : top e f the head rufous :
fides of it black : the hind part of the neck, lower part of